i need some advice pls đŸ©·
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by tkd2010
okk so i’ve been begging my parents for a dog for as long as a can remember. i’ve done everything i can think of to try to convince them but they won’t agree to it. since my brother is moving out in just over a year our house (and me) is going to be so lonely. i’ve even tried that as a convincing factor. my dad even told me “tye next week i’ll see how you do with taking initiative around the house and i’ll try to convince your mom” well now he’s saying it’s not up for discussion and we aren’t getting a dog. so he got my hopes up for nothing. my dad isn’t the main problem, it’s my mom. my dad rlly couldn’t care less if we get a dog but my mom does care very much. he just says stuff like “it’s not up for discussion” to please her. i have a cat and she’s always taken perfect care of so it shows i have the responsibility. my brother (who basically has nothing to gain from getting the dog since he’s leaving) has even tried to convince them to get it for me. he even said “what if she gets all 95s and above all year on her report cards” (which is a great goal since i’m not the best student and my parents take grades very seriously).

at this point i don’t know how to convince them. any suggestions would be appreciated! <3
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by tkd2010
i’ve shown responsibility, made goals, done all my research, and it’s rlly hurts me that they won’t even hear me out. their other reason is that when i’m at school and out doing my own thing they’ll have to take care of it. the only thing they’ll have to do is maybe take it out once a day. another reason is that we’re not home much due to mine and my brothers sports. but my grandparents with their own dog literally live right down the street.
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by xdarkfirex
It really depends on your mom’s reasoning for being against it imo. If you’re unsure, you can always ask her directly her reasons and if there’d be any conditions where she’d be okay with it. My only guess personally is that she doesn’t want to be stuck taking care of the dog herself when you’re gone doing sports or even (depending on your age and life plans) when you move out yourself. Do you currently plan on taking your cat with you?

Hm it could also be a financial thing or that she just doesn’t like dogs. It’s impossible to say, but that would determine how I’d handle it.
1 year, 8 months ago by halokiwi
Your parents gave you a reason: they would have to take care of the dog while you aren't there. You say, it would be just taking the dog out once a day, but I think you need to take dogs out more than once a day.

I have neither a cat or a dog, so I can't really talk from experience but I think dogs are more 'difficult' and more effort as pets than cats are. You can't really leave them alone, you have to walk them a lot and you have to train the them.

You say, you did your research. My suggestion would be to present this research to your parents, so they know that you are aware of what owning a dog means.
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by Beeskin
Hi! I’ve kinda been through this myself, I now have 2 dogs but it took a lot of convincing to get them <3 It took years(3+ yrs) for my parents to actually consider getting a dog so I would say keep doing your best, maybe remind them once in a while, see what they say. This probably isn’t useful but I just wanna let you know that I’ve been through this before and sometimes waiting can help. I used to keep talking abt getting a dog and begging them to consider one and it just made things worse and they kept saying “absolutely not” so maybe give them more time to think
Good luck! đŸ©”đŸ©·
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by 4741119
Our dog sorta came with luck and good timing. My sister and I had somewhat convinced our parents to get one, but it HAD to be a German Shepherd or a Rott Wyler. Then someone at my dads work asks if he wants a German Shepherd puppy, and my parents thought about it and they said yes. @Beeskin is right about the research and the reminding every once n awhile thing, and I’d also try to wait for good timing.
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by tkd2010
@xdarkfirex yeah i totally get what you’re saying. i do not plan on taking my cat with me when i move out. she lives outside because inside she would tear things up and was very mean tbh haha. but ofc outside we give her plenty of water, food twice a day, and we play with her. i don’t really think it’s financial either. if so she would’ve just said so. tysm for your help! i really, really appreciate it. (:
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by tkd2010
@halokiwi yes but we’re now going to more home much more since my brother doesn’t play football anymore. that took up a ton of our time. now he only plays baseball so we’ll be out of town significantly less. so in about a year we’ll be home more than ever. maybe once they see how much more we’re at home they’ll start to see what i’m talking about. my grandparents who are in great physical condition volunteered to help train the dog while it’s a puppy. they have a dog of their own and take great care of it. by “taking it out once a day” i meant when it’s grown and trained. i know that when it’s training i will have to take it out multiple times a day and stay with it. (so i told them maybe get one at the start of next summer break. that’s 3 months i can stay with it and train it) yes, i have done my research. i’ve even showed them my research. tysm for your help and feedback i really do appreciate it! <3
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by tkd2010
@Beeskin yeah i try to just bring it up sometimes in conversations. i think they got really close but idk what happened now they seem so far again. NO it’s was useful tysm i really appreciate this! <3
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by tkd2010
@4741119 well the other day i thought it was absolutely perfecttt timing. my friend had texted the gc and said “anyone want a dog” she said he was middle aged and super sweet. he was so cute too. i showed my parents and they said no. thinking back tho it was a spur of the moment decision so maybe it wasn’t “perfect” like i thought haha. tysm for the help! it’s means a lot! <3
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by 4741119
Yepp! Try asking what breed of dog they like best, and if that breed ever becomes available to you, you could try to convince them. 😊
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by tkd2010
@4741119 i definitely will next time i can fit it into a conversation! tysm!! (:
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by 4741119