I need some advice...
1 year, 10 months ago by Himani6204
I really need advice about my parents. I don't think they have hope on me. The reason for this is because my parents make comments about my grades saying stuff "She could never earn a grade higher than 95" when I had a 100 in Math Class. They compare me to other kids a lot and make me feel worthless. They get mad at me for grades they know I could re-do it. They believe that I don't have to ability to redo it and fix my grade. They also get mad at me or redoing an assignment when I only redo 2 assignments per year. I understand they are doing this for my future, but I wish instead of lecturing me for 40 minutes they could just let me do my homework instead. I seriously don't know it's that big of a problem, but I just really someone to give me advice about it.
1 year, 10 months ago by Himani6204
*if it's
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by crafter83
If you’re parents are they type that you’re close to them, but this is the one problem, try talking to them about it.
Otherwise try to not let them get under your skin. Say something like “Yes, I understand you want to do better.
Can I please be excused to do homework so I can have plenty of time to study it and thoroughly understand it.”
My parents are disappointed in me for other reasons, so I can partly relate. It’s just not worth letting them get to you.
Remind yourself A’s are still amazing and it’s THEIR PROBLEM if they can’t get that. Like I could kind of understand
if you were getting C’s, but to complain over A’s is not cool.
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by crafter83
Also to compare you is not fair. I was the opposite were my parents were fine with 90( even B+) average.
However as one of “the other kids” I can tell you it was exhausting to push myself to study that much.
I would literally be studying for 6 hours plus daily when I had History Finals. I learned to get better about it.
Just understand they don’t know if those kids that have 100 in Chemistry is just because that’s their niche
and yet they have a D in English because they can’t understand it. They could also be cheating to get those grades.
Or it could be a insecurity for your parents because they struggled with grades and they had trouble getting into college.
Or their parents pushed them for straight 100s. My point is do not beat yourself over this.
1 year, 10 months ago by xc2024
same as what @crafter83 said, when they lecture you just ask to go study. my parents are actually the complete opposite, they literally do not care at all, as long as i try, but maybe explain to them that you are doing your best to earn your grades without cheating, and that sometimes a 100 just aint happening, but that doesnt mean you didnt try