craft fair
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by funkyXtina
Goood morning y’all! I’m going to a craft sale this weekend and I’m going to sell my bracelets and tie dye. I’m reaching out to my community to ask what you’d charge for your bracelets? I went to a craft fair and sold most of my smaller bracelets ( 12-16 strings ) for 10$. Most of my cuffs didn’t sell because I wasn’t asking for 15-20$. I don’t have anything more than 30+ strings. Is that fair? Thanks in advance and I can’t wait to chat 💝🌈🥹 ❌⭕️❌⭕️ |
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Blueknot
I usually sell for 50 cents per string. I think that is slightly cheaper then what most people charge though.
1 year, 10 months ago by serramae
I do a ten dollar base charge and then add 0.25 cents per string. So for a 10 string bracelet I get 12.50 technically, but I round up to $13 because I don’t ever have coins on me