Unpopular opinions page 2
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by kindcat
Kissing baby bunnies with pee on them isn’t disgusting! If you think it is then we’ll your probably you know civilized unlike me 😭💀
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by kindcat
Also the new I am your mother song is trash!
1 year, 10 months ago by xc2024
@IndyHaine i agree, honestly i just dont like when someone claims a band/singer is bad - theres always one nonbad song lol
1 year, 10 months ago by reagan_15
raisins are so good
1 year, 10 months ago by Shiny_Gems
Megan trainor and charlie puth suck Taylor swifts worst album is red and Midnight's is truly amazing
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Blueknot
You are supposed to put the milk in the bowl before the cereal.
1 year, 10 months ago by Laureel
This website is elitist. You can't request to be friends with someone when you first start out, and you are slowly given more privileges as you rank up on here.
1 year, 10 months ago by halokiwi
@Laureel the limits are there, so people who just joined cannot spam. We once allowed all users to use the chat, but some just joined to spread hate messages there. Now, if you want to write in the chat, you have to be a higher rank. Most people then don't risk it to be hateful towards others, because they would loose the progress they made with this account, if they were banned. There is also a limit on how many variations you can add in a day depending on your rank. There was a time when there were so many patterns and variations submitted, that we moderators could barely catch up with those. We had to decline lots of patterns and variations and that kept adding up. When you are new, you don't really know, what makes a variation acceptable. |
1 year, 10 months ago by Laureel
@halokiwi It's understandable that this website is wants to prevent random people from hating on everything, but is also limits the beginners who genuinely want to be a part of this community. I don't understand how requesting to be friends with people could be problematic. There are unnecessary barriers to entering this community, and it withholds random privileges to lower ranks. If people are worried about unnecessary hate on this website, then it should add more moderators to keep everything in check. There are plenty of people on this website who are Bracelet Kings with completely good intentions who would make great moderators, yet there appears to be a shortage of moderators. This website is elitist since lower ranks are not allowed to participate in it as much as higher ranks.
1 year, 10 months ago by halokiwi
@Laureel at the moment there are enough moderators 🙂 we are not struggling to keep up with reviewing the content on braceletbook. All patterns and photos are accepted in less than a day. If that changes, we'll of course add new mods 🙂I'm actually not exactly sure why friend requesting is limited. Maybe it is to prevent people from creating multiple accounts and befriending themselves, so it appears that they have more friends than they actually do 🤷♀️ I'm going to ask admin what the reason is. For now I can tell you that ranking up from beginner is usually super fast. I think most people manage to rank up within a day. And yes, there are people who join and don't want to do anything bad, but we can't know if someone is a good person or not when they initially join. It sucks for all the nice people joining, but there are bad people out there and it's better, if they are limited. |
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by BeetleNugi
@Laureel I wouldn't say that the website is "elitist". Everything the Admin has put in place has been for the protection of younger users, older users, beginners, pros, everyone.When I first started using braceletbook, I made a few variations, liked a few patterns and I leveled up within a few hours. It is pretty easy to level up as long as you are fairly active. I personally feel that the way the ranking system and the rules set in place is rewarding. Once you begin to make patterns and level up for them, its a good feeling. I believe the system eases you into the website at a perfect pace and gives you time to learn the rules and guidelines before being able to communicate more; this prevents people from making mistakes and breaking the guildlines, therefore making the website safe for everyone and making it much more beginner friendly (which is brilliant considering most popular websites do not have the users best interests at heart) 🙂 |
1 year, 10 months ago by Laureel
@halokiwi @BeetleNugi These are some good points, I guess this is just how the website chooses prevent people from spreading hate or harassing others. I still wish there was a better way to go about doing this. I do think it's very reasonable that there are limits on the amount of patterns and variations one can submit in a day so that there isn't spam and so that the moderators can keep up with everything, but I don't agree with all of the limits. For example, and Advanced rank is not allowed to rate a pattern 3 stars or lower, yet other ranks can. This means that people of higher ranks can give their opinions, but lower ranks may not be able to. This implies that users with a higher ranks are more valued than those of lower ranks. Using the chat is also something that only people of higher ranks can do. While I appreciate this website and enjoy using it (hence why I'm still here), I still believe it is elitist since many privileges are withheld for those with higher ranks.
1 year, 10 months ago by halokiwi
@LaureelRating a pattern 1 star is often done for hateful reasons, for example, if someone is homophobic and the pattern is LGBT-related. There are better ways to give feedback about a pattern than giving it a bad rating, for example leaving a comment and explaining what you like/dislike about a pattern. This way it's also easier to avoid misunderstandings why someone felt the need to rate a pattern badly. If users could give 1 star ratings from the start, some would just join to give bad ratings. "Bad" ratings, even if it's just a 4 star rating, can be quite upsetting, because it will destroy the 100% rating. If just one user rates below 5 stars, you will never be able to reach 100% again. Some users care about this a lot. There is no limit on how many patterns you can submit btw 🙂 we would never want to stop our users from contributing patters! |
1 year, 10 months ago by Laureel
@halokiwi If rating a pattern one star if often done for hateful reasons, then why can other ranks give one star ratings? I also don't understand why having a 100% rating is important, if you like the pattern then why should all of the other ratings matter?Also, I just had a comment removed because I explained what I disliked about it. People all have different opinions and can end up disliking a pattern that someone else really likes. Isn't the point of the ratings to show people's opinions of it? |
1 year, 10 months ago by halokiwi
@LaureelI think there is really no good reason to give a 1 star rating, but there might be good reasons to give a rating below 5 stars. For example, if a pattern looked really nice, but the knotting structure is super random and could have been tweaked more to make knotting easier, that could be a good reason to give 4 stars. But you can only really transport this message by also leaving a comment. If you just give a bad rating and don't leave a comment, the user won't be able to learn how to improve their patterns. I think no pattern really deserves 1 star. All patterns need to be approved by us moderators. If there was so much wrong with a pattern that it would deserve 1 star, it would not have gotten approved. A comment will be removed, if it is hateful, it talks about a banned topic, it is not age-appropriate or it is triggering. Your comment seems to have been attacking a user without actually giving constructive criticism. |
1 year, 10 months ago by Laureel
@halokiwi If there is no good reason to ever give a one star rating on a pattern, then that option should be removed for everyone. Why are the ratings even an option if a comment is the only way to give constructive criticism?
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by TKEStrong3
@Laureel I think you're making some good points, I guess when I joined I must have been active enough to rank up fast enough to not realize all the things i was blocked from being able to do as a beginner/advanced user. What was your comment that got taken down about?
1 year, 10 months ago by Laureel
@TKEStrong3 I commented on pattern #148350 and accused the user of plagiarizing my pattern, #148338. This is all taken care of now, and @PuPotato and I are now besties 👍Thank you for understanding the points I'm making. |
1 year, 10 months ago by halokiwi
@Laureel you are correct 🙂 the star ratings in their current state don't make the most sense. We mods recently discussed about them and how they could be replaced by something else.
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by Yelena09
An unpopular opinion I have is that cotton candy is way too sweet and I don't like it 🤮