I need some help from people who have been heartbroken,
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by Cassie989
Hi, me and this guy have been dating for a little while (via online and long distance). he has been really sweet towards me and my very first boy friend ever. Even trying to make sure im safe and always complementing me and saying he loves me. He even was planing our future life together and saying meeting me would be the best thing that ever happened to him. I really liked this feeling of meaning something to someone. He is younger than me but says that age doesn't matter in the whole thing which I thought would bother him. Unfortunately, I think he lied. Today he said he caught a girl(the same age as him) staring at him at church who he had a crush on. Now he is interested in hooking up with her but tried to hide it at first. I'm good at reading people so i figured it out fast and told him that if he wanted to just be friends it would be fine. I did not, however, expect him to react so well. Now all he does is talk to me how he is going to hook up with her. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I thought that he would at least keep it to himself and just talk to me about "friend" stuff and whatever but this seems low. Why would he talk about his new gf to his old one?! Now I feel awful and jealous even chatting with him. What do you think I should do? I want him to be happy but I want myself to be happy too. If you have been heart broken like me, what did you do about? Thank you all for your help ❤️
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by Cassie989
*planning not planing lol
1 year, 11 months ago by angelskies
this is horrible. i’m so sorry ur in this situation, i’m sure u didn’t deserve it. if he had a crush on this girl while u were dating, honey u deserve much better. make sure u don’t talk to him about personal stuff, i’d recommend telling him how u feel, and plant into his mind that what if u said all this stuff to him in a situation like this, im sure he would feel the same way ur feeling. ,eep ur mind off it and just don’t pay too much attention to him, he doesn’t deserve ur time. find some new friends, friends that actually care, and hang with them more often. BUT PLEASE, PLEASE DONT GHOST HIM. although what he’s done to u is unforgivable, don’t ghost him. i’ve been ghosted before and it’s one of the worst internal pains. honey, just take time for urself, u got this ❤️
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by Cassie989
@angelskies thank you so much for the advice! This is VERY helpful to me. I wont ghost him and spend time with myself and better friends. Thanks again! ❤️ ❤️
1 year, 11 months ago by angelskies
ofc! i believe in uuuu ❤️ ❤️