Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by JJtheGreat
I’m gonna start selling my bracelets and I’m working on stock rn. What patterns/bracelets do u people think I should work on most ig is what I’m asking?
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by Blueknot
I sell bracelets at events in real life, not online so I don't ask people for permission before selling their patterns (imagine telling a stranger "that one is made from pattern number xxxx made by the user xxxx on braceletbook", they aren't going to care or remember) if you're planning on selling them online you might want to ask the creators of the patterns first. Also that being said selling online would likely have a different audience then selling at craft shows. In my experience #70 attracts attention, but doesn't sell very well, #17945 is one of my favorites to make, but also sells fairly well, I have made #52643 as a set of 2 with the same color combination to be buddy bracelets they seem to be popular too. The one I have sold the most of is #143858 not my favorite to make though. #10302 is super easy and fun to knot, good to make lots of color combinations too.These seem to be the favorites, hope that helped 🙂 |
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by Rowsitt
from feedback i’ve gotten from gifts i’ve given, sets are rly cool apparently. i usually do a set of a twisted bracelet, chinese staircase, chevron, and then a bracelet that isn’t a “common” one
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by JJtheGreat
@Blueknot and @Rowsitt thank u this is really helpful