a place to vent🙃
2 years ago by swag123456
heyy, this is just a safe space for people to vent or just generally get something off of their chest.
there’s this girl, who used to be one of my super close friends. we kinda drifted apart after her mom was my volleyball coach and pretty much verbally abused us, we also play through separate club teams that are big rivals so almost every weekend I have to play her. but anyway, i’ve been getting really annoyed with her lately. not outwardly, but i feel like sometimes she acts like her little sister and i just get really annoyed but don’t say anything. sometimes though, she acts like she’s never met me before and i don’t know why because i don’t show any of my emotion’s outwardly to her. she also wants to play beach with me this summer and has been thinking this whole time me and her are gonna play beach, but i had no idea and am going to play beach with three of my teammates from this year.
sorry that was kinda alot
Bracelet King
1 year, 12 months ago by BeetleNugi
Aw 🙁 I had a friend once who would drop me and pick me up whenever she pleased. She would always find new friends and completely ignore me so I understand that part. Try to have a calm chat with her about how you are feeling. That might help? Just be respectful of each others feelings. I've found overtime, most problems in friendships occur when you don't tell each other how you feel. You must both be on the same page. Not all friendships work out but you will find that one friend who will stick by you through anything! Those are the people who are worth it, no one needs added stress in their life, life is stressful enough.
I really hope this helps and I'm not just waffling on lol
And I really hope you and your friend work things out. Just be honest with each other (in a respectful way of course) 🙂