help with an art project!!💗💗
2 years ago by kajahmr
i have a really big art project coming up where i have to choose a material to work with (i chose a collection of wall-hangings😜) and then choosing a theme. i’m stuck between 1. disney princesses (4 princesses, one wall-hanging each) 2. disney villains (same as the princesses) 3. remaking famous paintings (for ex mona lisa or starry night) 4. top pop artists through the centuries (1990-2020)
the only criteria really is a cultural reference which all of these alternatives have. i really can’t choose so pls help. 🫶🫶
no one i know will tell me their opinion but i feel like y’all can see my vision
2 years ago by halokiwi
I think all the ideas sound really cool. I'd like to know a bit more about the project before I give you my opinion.

Will you also be designing the patterns yourself or will you be taking patterns that someone else designed. If you plan on using patterns by other people, I'd recommend checking out which topic there are the most patterns for/a set of patterns for that would fit well together.

I have a preference for two of the topics (I won't tell you which yet), but I think any of the topics can work really well and in the end you should decide. I believe that you'll make the best art when you are passionate about what you are doing!
2 years ago by kajahmr
thank you! i’ll have three months to work with them. i imagine they won’t be that big, more mid-sized. i have to design the pattens myself as that is required and a part of the process, but i’m not really good at making my own patters so i’ll definitely take inspiration and tips from others!
2 years ago by halokiwi
If you need any advice for designing patterns, you can always ask me and many other users in the forum would probably also love to help!
Here are two tutorials that might be useful when designing alpha patterns:

So now to which two themes are my favourites:

Disney villains:
I think with their exaggerated shapes they can be really interesting as patterns
If you do this, I think Cruella De Vil and Maleficent would have lots of potential, other characters I think might work well are Ursula and the evil queen

Famous Paintings:
These are just iconic
Mona Lisa and Starry Night are definitely very good ideas!
Another artwork that I often see as a pattern is The Great Wave off Kanagawa. I think it would be very interesting to include something that isn't European.
And if you want to also include something that is easy and straight forward to knot, I'd recommend to knot an artwork by Mondrian