A good place to vent page 2
1 year, 9 months ago by apearl09
I feel like I'm letting everyone down and pushing everyone away. I don't know if I'm doing it on purpose, or if people just can't stand me. I try my best to be there for all my friends and I don't always feel that I'm getting the same in return. I listen to them, I attempt to console them, I try to be there. But, I also know that I talk about myself and my problems way too much. Can I blame it on ADHD? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I just don't care. Maybe all I want in life is for others to be there for me, the way I've been there for them. Maybe I want to watch the world around me crash and burn, with me in it. Or maybe I'm just being dramatic. Maybe this is another situation where I'm making it all up in my head just to fit how I'm feeling. But how can I find out if these problems are real, when I can't trust the people around me. I've been surrounded by lies these past few years and I just want a little bit of truth.