Someone pls help
2 years ago by sb-creator
ok warning this is gonna be long
so I have this friend we’ve been friends all year and I’ve developed feelings for him (btw his names noah) anyways all of our friends are like wow y’all need to date and stuff like that but sometimes it’s super hard to figure out if he likes me or not and I’m always finding little things that he says that have such a deeper meaning. For example his mom overcame breast cancer in the summer and mine has just been diagnosed with it and everyday he asks me how I am and if he can do anything despite him having his own problems. Also I did some of his homework cause he wasn’t feeling well (he’s half deaf and gets migraines) and when I finished it he was like if you ever need me to do yours I will. if you ever need help with anything I will try my best to help to i promise.
So that’s the amazing side but sometimes he just acts strange about me. I also should preface hes incredible at masking feelings but still sometimes he’ll just act distant even tho we email all day in school and text from when we get home till 10 and in the weekends and also some of our friends have asked him hey Noah how do you feel abt mar he always says no but then when we text later he’ll say he’s sorry abt his answer and ask if it made me sad
So I guess what I’m asking is: can someone pls analyze this situation and tell me what I think I feel like an outside source will help
Thank y’all so much
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sage-wolf
i mean boys are weird, he probably likes you and doesn’t want to be made fun of if he’s apologizing, or maybe he’s even not interested in women but doesn’t want it to seem like he doesn’t like you as a friend either. i’m a lesbian, and i do things like this a lot with boys lol. but i would say it’s more likely that he likes you, just doesn’t want that to be public knowledge
2 years ago by sb-creator
@sage-wolf Yea boys are weird
He does like girls
And I understand I’m bi and I have more guy friends than girls
Thanks for your help
2 years ago by halokiwi
It seems like he and you are good friends and that he really cares about you. He likes you, but I wouldn't be able to say, if he likes you as a friend or more.

I think it is normal that people get overwhelmed from other people from time to time and then need a break from them. I wouldn't interpret that in a negative way.

I also wouldn't worry too much about what he tells your friends, because I can imagine that it can be a bit of pressure to be asked by a friend of a person, if you like them.
2 years ago by sb-creator
@halokiwi yeah I can totally agree with that, everyone needs space sometimes, the friendship helps, and to be honest I would be nervous too if one of his friends came up to me and asked me if I liked him. Thank you so much for your input!