new knotting technique
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sage-wolf
im currently working on a way to make 3d knotted stuffed animals, but i need patterns to try!! if y’all have any suggestions for patterns i would love that. here’s what i’m thinking it would have to be

- around 50 strings but could be more or less (i would say 30-60)
-not too many colors (maybe 4 or so)
- a clear shape without too many shape changes other than limbs
- some sort of cute creature
-not too much background

if you’re interested in this pm me for more details abd i can tell you and you could give any suggestions you might have on the technique
2 years ago by halokiwi
This is a very cool idea!
Are you planning to write a tutorial on this? I think that might be very useful!

I think frogs in general are very cute, so here are my suggestions

Some might have a little too many colours
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sage-wolf
@halokiwi i only got the idea recently so it will probably be a while but yes, i am! i also love frogs and they’re usually not too complex so thank you!!

most of those have little extra elements im not sure how i would add but they’re all soooo cute, and a simplified version of #66114 would be great, tysm.