tell me about your heartbreak 💔😢😭 page 2
Bracelet King
1 year, 12 months ago by grod
@tkd2010 ofc! i'm here if you ever wanna talk 😉
Bracelet King
1 year, 12 months ago by tkd2010
tysm! i’ll be sure to keep that in mind <3
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by nonhuman
One of my best friends knew I was feeling lonely so she was trying to find a guy for me (without even being asked and without telling me) and one day she sent me a guys snapchat and we started talking a day later we became bf and gf and we would FaceTime a lot but my phone got taken away so I gave him my roblox user and we talked over roblox (that's the only thing I could think of lol) and one day he just ended it and when I asked him why he all he said was "because we can't FaceTime anymore" and I told him that I would be allowed to have my phone eventuallybut he still didn't care I got my phone back and I saw a message from my friend and she said did you Nathan (code name not actually his name) has a new gf and it was literally just like three or four days after we broke up
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by grod
@nonhuman damn what a jerk! you deserve so much better!
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by nonhuman
he's been trying to text me and I try not to block ppl but he's rly being annoying
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by jazzyghost
boyfriend of two years broke up with me over winter break, and we're in the same friend group so seeing him at school was really hard. I wasn't really feeling it either but then, you know how it is, regret sets in and I'm still not really over him, even though it's been three months now. So that's fun! Can I just have Keefe Sencen as my bf please 🥺

Also were still in the same friend group and I try to avoid him (bc yay! Run away from your problems 👍) so I've missed birthday parties and hangouts. So frustrated.
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by grod
@jazzyghost damn, that really hurts. trust me i know how you feel. but avoiding him is the easiest thing to do but it's not the healthiest. don't stop having fun because of him. just avoid him or maybe try talking with him
1 year, 10 months ago by olvidar
@grod omg same thing happened to me to he started to gaslight so i blocked him lol
1 year, 10 months ago by olvidar
but there is this super cute senior but i’m only a freshman he is perfect in every way but he is too old 😭😭
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Yelena09
Ok we weren't dating but we're best friends (He might've had a crush on me??)
He helped me train for my black belt. He woke up every day, took me to the gym, trained me, and bought me lunch. Every. Single. Day. He even came to my grandfather's funeral when he didn't even know him, just to make sure I was ok. We grew super close but then his mom blew up at me and he isn't allowed to talk to me anymore. I thought we had so much and it hurt that that one little thing made it crash down. It isn't his fault because he looks at me like he misses me and really wants to speak to me, but he can't.
Maybe that'll change because his mom apologized but I haven't seen him since then.
I truly miss him though.
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Yelena09
He looked at me one day and told me, "You have no clue how much I care about you."
And he told me another time, while we were running across a bridge and he was running BACKWARDS, (There was a point where he could've swerved off into the river and I kept telling him to watch out) and he smiled as I said it again and he said, "I know I've got one special person making sure I'm not going to fall off this bridge right now."
I don't know who turned more red or who smiled the biggest. I miss those days.
1 year, 10 months ago by asterism
i'm always the one breaking people's hearts, because i can't reciprocate their attraction. People just keep falling in love with me for some reason?? and i have to always turn them down.
1 year, 9 months ago by olvidar
omg @grod same thing happened to me but like i wanted to break up with him at that point ngl lol sorry abt that tho that sucks his loss tho
1 year, 9 months ago by olvidar
@Zaan_13 same thing is abt to happen to me maybe y’all will get back together lmk if you do imma freind request you
1 year, 9 months ago by nikkilmao
I’m doing this new hobby bc I really love him and I want to do something special for him 🙁. His name is from another country so, I can’t buy him like a keychain from Vegas or something. I’ve been staying up trying to learn how to do this and let me just say he will never understand or appreciate how much time I went just to make a bracelet with his name and country flag on it. We have a complicated situation.
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by grod
@Yelena09 bro that’s so sad 😭
TALK TO HIM! trust me you'll regret it
he’s sounds like such a dope guy
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by grod
@asterism girl i feel you 😕
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by grod
@nikkilmao Girl that’s so cute 🥰 he better not mess things up
1 year, 8 months ago by nikkilmao
@grod he will, he’s a complicated person w mental issues who is also bipolar. He wasn’t raised by good parents, at least from what I’ve seen online he was raised by his dad and he started a new family. He doesn’t open up and gets frustrated rq, he doesn’t like conflict so he ignores. I’m giving him his bday present and on we go w ours lives. But I know he won’t let go of me, he’ll find a way to get me back to him and trust me it works bc I really like him. He’s done it before, I said last time to be strangers, left me on open bc he didn’t agree, next couple days I see him at work and he presents himself like we never met, 🥲. He just like wants me there like a plant but he needs to give me water or I’ll end up dying.
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by ilovekeefe
@grod at the moment, i like the same guy as by bestie. he's so sweet and ngl has been sending mixed signals, but i also know he likes another girl. anyways, both him and my bff are going to a ball tomorrow and im not so.... yay. im trying to encourage him and my bestie to get together but at the same time im telling him how good he'd be with his crush. its confusing. but i just love him but im playing matchmaker for him with someone else. ongoing pain..