embarrassing stories page 2
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by kindcat
Thank you I can share this now! This may not sound awkward and embarrassing but it WAS. So I was out with my crush and we were talking about language arts and I start to zone out. I forgot what the frick we were talking about and I literally said “ sorry I zoned out what were we talking about “ and then he is like “ actually you saying that made me unsure “ so I came back today and zoned out AgAiN like bruh I need to cHiLl!!!! Also not only did I zone out but I literally said “ I’m ganna go over there to make this less awkward” so I did, and then I had to come back and it was very awkward idk why but it was
1 year, 11 months ago by beanie1005
When I was in third grade I was at lunch no one of the chairs were pushed out and I tripped over the chair and spilled my whole lunch and then had to get a new lunch it was awful.🤦‍♂️
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by Yelena09
Sooo I've embarrassed myself QUITE a bit, but my most embarrassing story is when I was about three/four. I got a new pair of Tangled-themed underwear and I really liked them. (Keep in mind I was THREE/FOUR so no judgment please) I had a dude friend at my Pre-School and wanted to show them off so I wore a dress that day. And when I saw him, I PULLED UP MY DRESS AND WAS LIKE "LOOK WHAT I'VE GOT."
god, I cringe at this every time. I'm so sorry to the poor boy I was traumatized that day . . .
1 year, 11 months ago by snekyboi28
Soooo, I was in first grade and I had just moved to a new school. I was at recess and I went down a slide that had a group of four girls standing next to it talking about some first grader ⭐drama⭐ I kind of yelped when I went down the slide because it was steep with a lift at the bottom, so you would kinda fly off of it. I jumped from the bottom and landed on my feet while I was yelling. The girls started staring at me, so I looked them dead in the eyes and said, "I jumped," and then proceeded to walk away. I am soo embarrassed to this day when I think about it.
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by violasrule
ok this one im so embarrassed about and it's such a small thing but literally- UGHHHH

ok so we had like individual work time in social studies a day like last month and so we were allowed to listen to our own music, so I took my bright blue earbuds out of my pencil case and plugged them in. Then my friend asked me a question (we were allowed to ask each other questions btw the teacher didn't mind) and so after I answered that I pulled up my spotify and it started blasting taylor swift's You're On Your Own Kid, because we have these stupid cases on our computers that basically cover the charging ports, earbud/mic jack, etc and you have to like push them down a bit, so I had the earbuds in and then it just started playing and the class was dead silent and then I just stopped it as fast as I could then put my earbuds away anyways and slid down in my seat and died from embarrassment for the rest of class

then when i got home I listened to the song because originally I thought "oop imma be traumatized by this moment and never be able to listen to this song again" but then it also kinda made me feel better because of the-
hold up ok this has just become like a taylor swift thing now but yeah the song itself was highly relatable in relation to that situation
1 year, 10 months ago by reagan_15
At track practice we run 1 or 2 laps around the entire field for our warm up. it had rained the day before so it was really muddy. When I was running behind one of the baseball fields, i fell in the mud on my butt. my whole back, arms, legs and butt were covered in mud. so many people were laughing at me and I was so embarrassed. I asked the coach if I could go to the bathroom to clean it off and I just started crying. #ihaterain
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by KuteKat
So, me and my boyfriend went out and then went to his house (we’re younger high schoolers btw so his parents were home) and we were watching a show and i was sitting on his lap and suddenly i got the WORST cramps and started dying (like light-headed, nausea, the whole deal) and my bf freaks out and then tries to get up but can’t without moving me which hurt a TON and after like ten minutes i managed to move off his lap and he went and got me advil and stuff but he was wearing light grey sweatpants and then was a pretty big spot of blood over his crotch and i felt so bad and literally started crying from embarrassing sooo yeah
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by fishyknots
One day at school last year I had a band sectional during second period. I usually have them third period so I was kinda thrown off. So when we were leaving the sectional, the friends I was walking with were talking about going to third period and I was like, “you mean lunch” because that year I had lunch after third period. The friends I was walking with were both in my third period. I went to my locker and they kept going. As I opened my locker and got my lunch out, in the back of my mind. I was like, “The hall is strangely empty…” but I didn’t think too much of it. I started walking to the cafeteria, with no backpack and just my lunch box, and I glanced at my watch. Oh, 9:58 am. Okay. Wait, 9:58? 9:58??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I started panicking and ran back to my locker, grabbed my backpack, and ran to third period which had already started. I burst in and my clarinet friends were like, “There she is!” and there was this whole scene. It doesn’t seem like a big deal but I was absolutely MORTIFIED soo I wish I could forget that
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by Hylia224
Ok so it's kind of a lot to explain but...
In my dance recitals if you've danced at that studio for 10+ years, you get a trophy
Last year I got my 12th year trophy but I was kind of childish (nobody really noticed but me and two other girls)
The lady handing them out (we're on stage in front of everybody, mind you) doesn't really know us and just gives out the closest trophy to the next person so the name plates are usually wrong. I got another girl's and proceeded to exchange them on stage (like it's logical that you would swap behind the curtain but I was kinda nervous ok?!) And the girl coming up behind her whispered yelled like "do it behind the curtain! Just wait!" So I walked to my spot, shaky, holding the wrong trophy
It was really embarrassing and nobody even knows except me and a few other girls lol