embarrassing stories
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by tkd2010
here’s one of my most embarrassing stories. (this actually hall today) so my grandma had to come pick me up today and i was waiting on her and the guy i like came over and started talking to me and my two friends. we talked for a while and when my ride came i said bye and started walking towards her car. so ig he followed me but took a short cut so he got to the car before me and SALUTED my grandma! it was one of little two finger salutes and then they nod. thankfully she didn’t ask who that was. 😂share your funny embarrassing stories! |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by sage-wolf
so I made a fool of myself at music school.. 😅…so. (this was yesterday btw) I was at music school for a band rehearsal. we were going to practice immigrant song. i totally blanked on where to come in for the verses, but the screaming part I did fine 😭 so basically I was silent the whole song and then SCREAMING. like OUR ONLY GOAL WILL BE THE WESTERN SHORE!! worst part is my crush was there 💀 |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by tkd2010
@sage-wolf omg that sucks! you’ll probably look back on this and laugh tho! 😂
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by sage-wolf
haha yeahhh I probably will 😅
2 years, 2 months ago by savannahjo
I was going to ask my crush out and he told me no even before I said anything
2 years, 2 months ago by serramae
One time in middle school I wasn’t feeling well and went to the nurse for some tums… she sent me back to class. And about a half hour later I knew I had to leave class…. At the time we were in a trailer outside and there were two sides by side with ramps… well it was too late and I went to lean over the railing because it was my only chance…. And instead I threw up g
2 years, 2 months ago by serramae
2 years, 2 months ago by serramae
Against the wall…. Hot pink nasty stuff… froze to the wall of the trailer so it could be seen all winter😔😔****
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by tkd2010
@serramae OMG THATS HORRIBLE! i would’ve been so embarrassed.
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by tkd2010
@savannahjo awe i’m so sorry! 😭
2 years, 2 months ago by serramae
@tkd2010 I wish that was the worst of my stories
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by MaeveMakes
Ok so I was in my schools play. I don’t know why I signed up for it when I’m literally the opposite of a theater kid. Anyways the play was Willy Wonka, and the only role I did not want was violet. And you guessed it I got it. So besides being insanely nervous to perform. As I was running on stage for my big scene. My foot got caught in my huge costume and I totally wiped out. I literally could not anymore. I tried to play it off as best as I could. But I just remeber sitting back stage with some friends. I was so scared. If I was my friends I would have peed myself. It would prob be so insanely funny. The best part for them, worst part for me was it was almost impossible to stand back up!!!!
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by tkd2010
@MaeveMakes omg that’s horrible!
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by kindcat
I was born
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by Blueknot
So I uh was home alone (I'm old enough to be left alone for awhile) and I heard a car pull into my driveway, I figured that it was a family friend coming to drop something off. But NOPE it was a police officer. So I opened the door 'cause Idk what else I should have done at that moment I realized I was still in my pajamas and was way more freaked out then I should have been. My hands were really shaky and so was my voice and he told me he had a paper for *my mom's actual name* so I told him she wasn't home currently. He gave me the paper to give to my mom when she got home. (Thankfully he didn't ask where my parents were or why I wasn't in school) I took probably 10 minutes to stop freaking out. I still can not believe that I opened the door in my pajamas though.... Life lessons get dressed!
2 years ago by peachyneko
This isn’t really Embarrassing but more offensive now I was in like kindergarten or first grade. So I didn’t know any better, so I was in speech class I think and there was this Asian girl sitting beside me. I saw her and 5/6 year old me decided to make faces at her, when I mean faces I meant that I made my eyes look slanted and she just stared at me like: 😐
2 years ago by Cloud10
Ok so this is pretty bad
2 years ago by Cloud10
My friend (he’s a guy,) he told everyone at my Shakespeare rehisa
2 years ago by Cloud10
2 years ago by Cloud10
That I had a crush on the lead and yeah I do. He guessed though. I’ve known this guy forever like FOREVER so he was like WTH I texted everyone its ok…