Anyone Try this?
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by senor
Has anyone tried to put patches or something in denim? i’m thinking about making patches to put on my jeans
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by Zaan_13
You can try safety pins if you'd wanna be able to remove the patches - diaper pins might work best as they're a lot thicker so they can punch through the denim more easily.
If you'd like them to be permanent you can try either fabric glue or permanent fabric tape 😊
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by TKEStrong3
i did something similar on a pair of my sister's jeans, but i started knotting with the base strings attached to the jeans already.

For a smaller pattern (#53371), i used embroidery floss (the base strings) and a yarn needle to sew up from the back of the denim, and brought the knotting string up from the back with another yarn needle. instead of doing horizontal rows like you usually do for an alpha, i had to make the base strings parallel to each other (straight up and down). with the string on the left side of the base string i made one knot, and used the needle to go back underneath the denim and come back up on the left again to make another knot of the same color, or leave the first color on the back until i needed it again and bring up a different color on the left. once i got done with that row, i sewed the base string back into the fabric and brought it up at the top and started the next row the same way.

for a bigger pattern (#36275 ), i larks-head knotted my base strings (i used yarn) onto a pencil and used a big safely pin to connect them to the knee of the jeans. i did basically what is in the tutorial "Make patches / applicators with alphas" (, bringing the knotting string up from the back to start a new row and sewing back under the denim and at the end of each row. once i was done knotting i sewed the base strings under the denim and knotted them off, then took out the safety pin and pencil at the top and sewed those base strings under the back, knotted, and cut them off.

i hope that makes at least a little sense