Advice/ Going out of comfort zones/ Iceskating
2 years, 2 months ago by --Ellie--
ok basically im thinking of starting iceskating some time in Jan/Feb but I'm kind of scared. People always say that you should'nt start new sports late because some people have been training their whole lives for it and I'm 14 and nearly brand new. especially since iceskating seems like dancing in the way that it's very competitive, even though i only want to do it as a hobby. I really want to hear other people's opinions and if any of you have stories about going out of comfort zones like this or just any advice. ❤️ |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by aurelius
hi!! it’s completely okay to feel a little nervous when you’re trying something new, especially if you want to be good at it but understand that it will take time. i felt the same way when i started making bracelets ⭐️i don’t think that you should focus too hard on how well you are doing and instead just have fun learning! ice skating is amazing and i think that once you get the hang of it you will have an amazing time 🙂 as for dealing with those nerves, it might help to invite some friends along to join you? that way you’ll get to make some extra good memories and starting out will feel less daunting? |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by sage-wolf
14 is still wayyyy younger than some people so i don’t think you need to worry about that!! but, also, don’t worry about making it competitive. i dont ice skate, but im sure there are plenty of other people like you who aren’t so competitive about it.
2 years, 2 months ago by bearsbears
I'm a figure skater/ice dancer myself and it is never too late to start. I would recommend going to an open skate once before lessons to make sure you are a little comfortable on it. Don't be afraid of it. I'm a LTS coach and the older kids often progress faster so don't give up! Great Britan ice dance Olympian Lewis Gibson started at age ten. For it just being a hobby you will do great. DM me with any questions! Skating is my life and I can give you advice if you need it!
2 years, 2 months ago by --Ellie--
@aurelius Definitely great advice! im thinking of going skating with some friends over winter break just to see how much I remember from the time i skated for a year when I was 8 😂. And I'm also trying to keep that in mind, that its fine to be nervous so thanks!! @sage-wolf Yeah there's definitely that too, I'm sure I could do it more casually and it might be pretty normal depending on the rink! And I really hope you're right about there being other people starting at my age, I'm taking a group class that only specified it was 6+ so i hope im not skating with little kids only 😂 @bearsbears Ah! thank you so much for replying to my post, I was hoping to get some skaters opinions too, especially from a skating COACH ❤️ I think I will try to go to an open rink sometime over break with friends to see how much i remember from when i took one year of lessons when i was 8. And I don't think i'm going to be skating competitively but I love hearing stories of people who started later like me and still succeeded <33 |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by aurelius
good luck!!! 😄 ✨
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by HelloooIts
are you gonna figureskate or just trackskating? j curiousi have a lot of tips for the second, ive never tried figure skating tho anyway for trackskating, iv edone 2 seasons when i was like 11 and really liked it, but ended it bc i got busier and it started to get a bit boring for me however for some reason it was very cold last week and i could actually natureskate again, and let me tell you. once you learn to skate, you can stop and never do it again for 3 years yet you dont forget a bit of technique. i wasnt THAT fast anymore but still a lot better than most people there soooo its so worth knowing how to bc you never embarass yourself on the ice again and its so much fun whatever you do, hope you like it!! and literally no one judges you for not being the greatest when you just started. and 14 is not late to start a sport, i can guarantee that. there are people taking their first class at age 70, so i think you should be fine |
2 years, 2 months ago by --Ellie--
@HelloooItsI really hope you're right about the muscle memory thing but I went iceskating again about a year ago after having a few figureskating lessons when i was about 7-8 and I felt like i was back at square one 😅 and I'm going to be doing figure skating but trackskating sounds really fun!! Thanks a lot for the advice and I'm definitely trying to convince myself that no one will care that i'm a beginner so thanks for that too! <33 |