tell abt your crush 😘 page 6
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by KuteKat
@ellybelly thank you!! He’s coming over tomorrow for a movie night and I’m so excited. He also said I can show him all the cats in my neighborhood (we both loves cats - I have three and he has two plus one dog) and I can’t wait because there’s like 15 around my house and most of them let you pet them.
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by maxbraclet
My crush hates me now
6 months, 3 weeks ago by will_k2902
She’s amazing. She’s on this app. She’s got shoulder length hair and a cute nose and beautiful eyes. I just kinda asked her out so wish me luck
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by maxbraclet
@will_k2902 good luck you got this