tell abt your crush 😘 page 5
11 months, 2 weeks ago by ellybelly
@PurpleRed Maybe it’s good if ur annoying him so that u are in his mind??😝😝
11 months, 2 weeks ago by PurpleRed
@ellybelly True true lol
10 months, 3 weeks ago by Amphy
he's a year younger than me, I've known him for about 10 years. he is like 1 foot taller than me, he has ginger hair (like me) and he has clear glasses and his braces are pink and blue rn. he is insanely handsome and his sense of humor is beautiful. we've been best friends for like 7 years so I don't wanna ruin our relationship by telling him I like him. there's a little more but I don't have the time to explain rn
10 months, 1 week ago by Aicha-R
My crush is literally my bf whenever I’m around him I get nervous and I’m starting to develop his habits, he has a really bad stutter (he hates it but I think it’s so cute) and Ive never had a stutter and after a few weeks of being with him I get a stutter so now I joke around saying it’s his fault when I start stuttering and he laughs about and also he always says “chin up moment for u” so now I can’t stop saying it and he wears like simple outfits but more like street style with I love love love and I’m in the uk so obviously the only boys here aren’t very respectful from what I know anyway but he is so respectful like to the point where I have to question myself if im respectful enough but I love it so much he’s so smart like a little nerd but I’m not the best in school even behaviour wise but he’s a very good boy in school and at home and he makes me want to be better for him as I still can’t believe he somehow found me up to his standards and made me his girlfriend even when I met him at my lowest he’s the best boy I’ve ever met and I have issues with self confidence even though I seem like the most confident person you will ever meet (sorry if that made no sense at some bits I have really bad adhd and im not good at putting my thoughts into words or words into sentences because English is also my 2nd language 😭😭)
10 months, 1 week ago by Aicha-R
Bracelet King
10 months, 1 week ago by fishyknots
he goes to my church, he's a year older than me and a few inches taller than me, he has the sweetest smile omg. he plays soccer. obv i've never spoken to him but he looks at me a lot. (he probably doesn't.) i stalk his spotify
10 months, 1 week ago by PurpleRed
Ok ik iv already talked abt the dude in my art class in this thread but YALLL he’s been coming outta his shell a little and has been smiling a lot more (: ashdgsisgaj I can’t he’s so cuteeee✨✨🥲
Bracelet King
10 months, 1 week ago by Hylia224
Before I even start, if it sounds like I bounce around with crushes, I don't. God just told me no about the guy at the gym so I'm focusing on other things but...I might have caught feelings for a friend 😅 He's just cute and funny and he has an amazing singing voice |
10 months ago by cc1
There is this guy in my English class and we literally love to make fun of eachother and he likes to make fun of me and play fight w me. And when we text he never texts back, but he loves to mess with me in biology and mess with my hair do y’all think he likes me or am I just delusional with the mixed signals?
9 months, 3 weeks ago by hattiepatt
he is VERY tall brown hair he does swim he's very sweet and nice but I used to like his cousin and he's cousin knew that I liked him and his cousin still thinks I like him🤨🤨🤨
Bracelet King
8 months ago by hana-mana
I’ve had BILLIONS of crushes lol but ofc my dad doesn’t let me date so my crushes just come and go, I love y dad but tag me if you think they can be wayyyy over protective!
Bracelet King
7 months, 4 weeks ago by martha9999
His name is Andrew and he has blond hair and brown eyes he plays percussion for band (I'm a flute) and is really nice but kinda crazy. ❤️He also has a maybe girlfriend??😢 Both of their parents don't want them to date this young buttttttttt they DEFINITELY like each other. He is two years older than me and😬 (just to make in awkward) my brother's bff😅 I've liked him for like 3 1/2 years... 🤯
7 months, 2 weeks ago by singingamp
My crush:
7 months, 2 weeks ago by singingamp
Smart, odd sense of humor, musical, nerdy
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by maxbraclet
My crush is 5”0, has Blue eyes, blonde hair, plays tons of sports like volleyball, tennis and basketball, goes to the gym 6 days a week, eats super healthy, her name is Amelia, she’s smart, has the cutest tan Ive ever seen, (she always texts first)
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by maxbraclet
Btw im her brother and we share accounts because im to lazy to make my own
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by maxbraclet
@cc1 it’s
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by maxbraclet
Well he likes you
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by KuteKat
My crush is my boyfriend 😭 he’s absolutely amazing and so nice and my parents love him. He’s a few months older than me and about six inches taller. He writes his own stories, surfs, plays airsoft, and is on our school’s water polo and swim teams. We’re both in the IT pathway at our school which is how we met and share a couple classes together. He’s kinda shy and on the quieter side of things but will always stand up for what he believes in. We were talking for like four months and had been friends for at least six months before that. We would always eat lunch together and I brought him into my friend group at school. He came to my birthday party even when he was the only boy there for like two hours which meant so much to me. We do movie dates really often and go to the beach and get ice cream a lot. He always pays (unless I make him let me) and he’s gonna teach me how to surf. He’s really nervous to hold my hand and we’ve talked about it a little bit and I hope it gets better because I really want to cuddle with him and hug him but I don’t think he’s ready for that. I’m the first girl he’s had a relationship with so everything is kind of new to him but he communicates really really well and we always talk things through. He’s so, so, so polite and always opens the door, makes sure I’m okay if I trip (I’m very clumsy) and is just generally there for me. We’ll call if I need to rant about something and will give me genuine opinions on dresses and clothes I like. He tries new things because I enjoy them and is just generally one of the best people I’ve ever met. We always tease each other and joke around and literally everyone thought we were dating before we were. Some of his teammates “interrogated” him about me at the end-of-season banquet they had which I find really funny. A bunch of our classmates thought we were dating too and just kinda assumed it. When I told my best friend we were officially together she said “OMG FINALLY!!” And was super excited for me. I’m so, so happy to be with him even though we haven’t even been dating for that long but I always get so happy when I think about him. Thank you for reading all of this!
7 months, 1 week ago by ellybelly
@KuteKat that is so fun and cute!! I’m so happy for you!!!🫶🫶🫶