tell abt your crush 😘 page 4
1 year, 3 months ago by AdyMerck_1
natral brown hair, brown eyes, sweet, understands me, i think he likes me back because he trys to sit by me every day and he always agrees with me and trys to start conversation with me. 👍 😍 😍 😍 😍
1 year, 1 month ago by celleta
@AdyMerck_1 awwwww that’s so adorable
1 year, 1 month ago by celleta
honestly just based on my preference hispanic guys >>>
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by gaily_gal
he's the typical blonde-hair-blue-eyed boy but his hair is so perfectly swept to the side and his icy titanium blue eyes js make you wanna fall for him more. he's tall, smart, he plays volleyball, basketball, and a whole ton of other sports as well as guitar and piano. he also sings really well and his voice makes me wanna melt (he has a wee bit of a lisp but that doesn't matter). he's two years older than me and he's just the most gorgeous human being to ever exist and his style is unbelievable (in a good way) like wow. i've known him for forever since we go to the same church : )

oh and don't even get me started on his smile 😩✋
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by ningc98
he’s half korean and has wavy brown hair and brown eyes. he’s teasing and annoying (in a friendly way tho) and i plays the drums. i confessed to him last summer and he rejected me 😭 😭 😭but i still can’t get over him. he’s been snapchatting me a lot more than we used to tho so…
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by kambri1224
I’m pretty sure he has a crush on me back, and my friends think we would be cute together… at the lunch table when he comes over they hide behind their backpacks so he can’t see and raise their eyebrows at me haha. He’s cute though
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by tkd2010
he’s tall, dirty blonde hair, with blue eyes, and freckles. he plays football, baseball (pitcherrr 💪🏼), runs track, and does high jump. he’s pretty smart and superr funny. he knows a lot of ice spice bc he sister would force him to listen to it haha. he moved down here during the summer and lives by the beachh. he has 4 siblings and they all start with r (one older sister, 3 younger brothers). he’s rlly sweet and so pretty 🤭
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by ams9man769
Um last year I saw a guy one my first day of school. He was pretty and funny, third or fourth week I turned him down when he asked me to be his gf because I never even talked to him. Here’s the thing he had his friend to ask me out. Later I ended up liking him even more I was too shy to ask him out. Then I found out from many people he’s a player so yeah. Then he had to leave sometimes in march. My I had to get surgery and recover for a week and when I came back he was gone. I found out from my friend that used to talk to me that he’s always liked me but dated other girls. I had dreams about him over the summer and in November.

I wasn’t able to get over him no matter how hard I tried.
1 year, 1 month ago by ellybelly
Ok so idk if i like this guy or not but maybe?? He’s really tall like really tall with blonde hair. I sit next to him in science and we just talk all the time and He jokes around with me alot and it’s fun to joke back. And i just like seeing him??!!
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
we had a group project in science. didn't get picked w him (though the picking was random, come on, wheel of doom 🙄) anyways he's just the best idk how to describe it
1 year ago by Jess_Mess
He's 6'1" ( I'm 5'0" haha) hes blonde, plays basketball, always asks for my notes in school, is super caring towards me, funny, always finds ways talk to me or give me compliments or make eye contact in class.....and don't even get me started on his smile and his eyes and.... ❤️

at school all the year 11 and 12's have lockers and we all just have our locks hooked on but not locked so we don't have to keep unlocking them to get our books....but anyway everytime he passes the girls lockers he always locks MY lock.....he says its so that i know he was thinking about me ❤️
1 year ago by ellybelly
@Jess_Mess that is the cutest thing with the lockssssss omggggg😍😍😂
12 months ago by lizp13
there's this guy in my class, lets call him M, who i have had a crush on since october 2. i know everything about him. and there's this girl in my class who i have been friends with since 3rd grade. she was the first person i told. a few months ago she told me she liked M, but then 2 weeks later she changed her mind. than last week she told me who he liked. unfortunately, its not me even though we have everything in common. she said that he liked her. but thats not the worst part. she said she liked him too. and me being the caring friend that i am told her i was happy for her. then i cried on my way home from school. somehow the whole school knows about it now, and every time someone mentions it it makes me feel like crying. 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 i sit next to M, so every second of every day i am reminded of thier relationship 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
Bracelet King
12 months ago by chris07
Ok so i bassically like someone on here but i dont wanna tell toooooo much cause they might know🥰 ☺️
Bracelet King
11 months, 4 weeks ago by scarhead12
my boyfriend of a year now. love him so much he does everything for me and is the sweetest person i’ve ever met. i genuinely feel like i can tell him anything and he’ll just sit and listen. he does everything in his power to make sure im ok and i literally couldn’t be luckier to have him
Bracelet King
11 months, 4 weeks ago by Julia_2009
Ok so I can't really tell if it's a definite crush yet but let's call them I. They're so cool with blondish hair and they have awesome music taste and I love reading music recs with them. They're so fun to talk to (: I've known them for almost a year but I just started thinking about them this way for like a week. I hate/love this feeling
Bracelet King
11 months, 4 weeks ago by Julia_2009
Oops not reading I meant trading lol
Bracelet King
11 months, 4 weeks ago by tkd2010
uhh so i still like the guy i talked abt most recently (i’ve liked him since august) buttt lately i’ve been catching feelings for someone else 😭 he’s kinda tall, with rlly blonde hair, and blue eyes. he plays football, baseball, basketball, runs track & throws shotput & discus. we have two classes tg and we sometimes talk. his mom is one of my teacher and she’s rlly cool. and our moms have been friends since hs when they played softball tg. he’s just rlly sweet, and funny, and cutee. my 2 bsfs think we’d look good tg but they also i know i like two people soo. it’s alr tho gotta keep everyone on their toes right?
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by Hylia224
It's literally some guy idek from the gym and I just thought he was hot but he comes consistently and he's SEEN me 🙈 I don't even know his NAME
11 months, 3 weeks ago by PurpleRed
There’s this guy in my art class and he IS SO FINNNNEEEEE. He’s quiet and doesn’t talk much but he sits at my table group so Ik he knows I exist lol. I think I annoyed him a little tho cause I tend to talk annoyingly loud when I get exited … youch ): he hasn’t showed up the last 2 school days … ):