tell abt your crush 😘 page 2
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by kindcat
Ok soooooo I like someone else and he likes me I have liked him for a year and a half but not like like because that is just eww but yeah. Things I like about him. 1. He is supper supportive 2. He is loyal 3. He is sweet 4. He is cute 5. He likes me for who I am 6. He doesn’t care that I’m awkward and zone out uncontrollably and a lot more
1 year, 11 months ago by rosebloom
ok uh. i met her on an airport parking shuttle. and i don’t know her name or her number or anything. HOWEVER we are going to the same concert in a few weeks. (we talked about music and nothing else. yeah.) i couldn’t find a piece of paper to give her my number on but she looked my age and was also super pretty. i probably should’ve forgotten about it by now but like?? that girl and i have like identical taste we could be soulmates. and i don’t know her NAME. i’m kind of very afraid she’ll see this because the concert is a taylor swift one and there’s a whole friendship bracelets fan project going on but um. yeah
1 year, 11 months ago by rosebloom
that’s the lesbian experience for you 😭
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by jazzyghost
Not super related but I don't know where else to put this 🥲 but I'm at an overnight conference for a school club rn and there's this guy in my group who I kinda find very attractive! He's tall, nerdy-looking in a cute way (like me? 🤔) and super sweet! He's also bilingual. One little problem, I'm leaving to go back to my city tomorrow and he's going back to his city (which is in Mexico; I live in the US). Is it even worth trying to talk to him?
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by Yelena09
Sooooo where do I start??
I'm not sure I have a crush because I'm Demi-Romantic, but . . . Um, I met him six years ago when I first started Martial Arts and we didn't really talk much because he was pretty shy, but then we became friends : ) So Covid-19 hit and we didn't see one another for a couple of years because he switched to another studio nearby and I switched too. (Not because he did, because I needed better help) We became better friends and we had a great friendship going. Then he stopped coming for about SEVEN months and I started to train for my black belt but was failing miserably, so my mother offered to pay him to help me and he immediately brightens up and says that she didn't have to pay him. (He's had his black belt for a year) In between the two months I trained with him we became best friends and better people, and we began healing because we helped each other get past things. I'm now a black belt thanks to so much of his help and support and I could seriously never thank him enough. I love him very much. He is supportive, loyal, kind, shy, artistic, encouraging, and so, so funny. I wish what we have can stay, but I honestly have no idea because we're both going our own ways and it breaks my heart to think he'll forget.
I feel like two songs that really describe us are "True Colors" by Justin Timberlake Anna Kendrick and "Get You The Moon" by Kina.
I'm so sorry I rambled this much 🙂
1 year, 11 months ago by swag123456
my crush has a wolf cut with pink curtain bangs, and she’s also really tall and cute. she also likes volleyball and taylor swift. and she is also really nice, she was the first person outside of my fam that i came out to, she also likes girls which is a plus. she’s a theater kid, i know that she tried out for her schools musical but didn’t make it. miss girl is also artsy and is good at drawing and makes jewelry too. since it’s almost summertime, i don’t think i’ll see her as much 😭

but yea that’s the lesbian love story for you guys
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by stasia
disclosure i have had a crush on him for… a bit of time
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by stasia
We went to the same school for a couple of years but never really talked to each other but connected online this year and long story short he liked me too but i cant date but oh well attempting to turn a new leaf!
1 year, 10 months ago by evies
well he is tall sporty and blonde but I feel like he has a tough of orange in his hair but no one believes me. our lockers are next to each other he chose me to be in his group in sport, and he gave me the last piece of gum he had!! 😍
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by kindcat
@Yelena09 I also met my crush at Taekwondo!
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by kindcat
@Yelena09 that’s a cute and encouraging story! I think just by listening to it that he likes you. Ok so here is where are relationship is rn so we talk for abt 3 hour’s a week and every time I walk in he walks up to me and starts talking to me and he always tries to be closer with me and work with me. He doesn’t treat anyone else like he treats me. He makes me feel special.🙂 Me and my brother do Taekwondo together same belt same tape but anyways he always seems happier when my brother isn’t there he is always suggesting to work with me and when he doesn’t he has I look on his face and he look kinda sad. I’m so excited I am going to see him for abt 8 hours and we can talk and be goof balls 😝 if your reading this and you think it’s you then umm hello 🙂
1 year, 10 months ago by j_holbrook
She’s so pretty and she doesn’t know I like her cause our friend group is supposed to hate her. I think she’s pretty and she’s one of those girls that fit the whole softball stereotype which is nice cause I fit the wrestling girl stereotype. She’s so pretty and funny and she doesn’t know I like her
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Yelena09
@kindcat hello! 🙂 That's so sweet! I love that for you! We kinda have that too and I love it sm! Personally, I think you should tell (:
My guy looked sad this past week and I baked him cookies as a 'thank-you' for helping me.
I've never seen him smile so big and blush like that. It was the greatest feeling 🙂 I really just want to come clean and tell him everything, but his mom doesn't like the fact that we are close. She does everything she can to keep us separate. I don't want to come between him and his family. He'll decides what he wants when he's ready. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by kindcat
@Yelena09 Aww that is so sweet of you! I think that you should tell him. Even if he says no or his mom says no you can still be friends. I don’t think that his mom should keep you guys separated. My crushes mom is the opposite she keeps us together! She was the first person I knew from Taekwondo! When you said he had the biggest smile on his face it reminded me of my crush. He always smiles so big when he sees me it’s hard not to tell him but it’s hard to tell him especially because I feel like we are to young. For that reason I will wait it out. You should definitely tell him! Also don’t get the thought that I’m really young a lot of people date at this age i oh just don’t feel comfortable.
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by kindcat
@Yelena09 oh wait we are the same age nvm
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Yelena09
@kindcat I would still love to be friends if he doesn't feel the same way (but he has been making things VERY obvious so. . .) But I think it would be safer if we waited until we're both adults and out of our households. It would be so much better and safer that way. I feel like we're better people around each other and the fact that we've helped each other heal over things life has thrown at us. He's my best friend and he kept me on this earth when no one else did. He has no idea how much he's helped me and how he literally kept me living through the good and the bad. I wonder how he would respond to what I just typed out. . .
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by kindcat
@Yelena09 Aww you guys have such a good relationship! This is so sweet and I love that you are best friend! I think he would be so happy to read that! My crush and I are bf’s and I think he likes me too but there’s this feeling he doesn’t. He walks up to me every time he sees me and wants to hang out. I think it could be a sign that when we hang out he just wants it to be him and I. He doesn’t treat anyone else like he treats me. I just feel like I’m missing something. What do you think?
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Yelena09
@kindcat Hmm, I think it could be both if that makes sense. Best friends and/or a crush? I think that's what we are. If he doesn't want to do that with anyone else that means you guys have something he has with no one else. Does he have another friend he hangs out with elsewhere? Maybe you could kinda look and see how different it is. Hope this helps!
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by kindcat
@Yelena09 I think it could be that he doesn’t have that many girlfriends (as in girls that are his friends) so maybe he just treats girls differently. Although there are some girls he is friends with and he doesn’t treat them the same. Tysm for your reply!
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Yelena09
@kindcat Of course! (: I think that could be a sign. Maybe?