2 years, 2 months ago by NekoUwU
so just say what you dreamt or someone you know dreamt.I'll go first, it's my friend's dream: She wakes up in a temple where Jack Skellington kidnapped her. She keeps on kicking and screaming until he comes. She keeps on annoying him asking "Why did you kidnap me?" Finally he yells "ISN'T IT OBVIOUS!!!" "ARE YOU CLUELESS OR SOMETHING". She says "Yes, I'm very clueless". Jack says " Ok, well I wanted to kidnap you because you are Santa's daughter." My friend says " No, I think you got mixed up". Jack says calmly "No, I don't think so." She says "No, because my parents are _________ and ________ ____ _______.(I don't want to say their real name) Jack then says " Ok, maybe I got mixed up. " (She wakes up by her mom waking her up) |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by TKEStrong3
i dreamt this a couple nights ago:So in my dream i was going with my dad and my sisters (my mom was out of town in my dream) to a potlach at the new dock, to either get tested for obesity or cured of it, i don't remember (i think we were going for "obesity training" which in my dream apparently was a thing). so we all went down past where the potlach was, and then when we were coming back up parts of the dock had fallen away and we had to jump across the water to get to the rest of the dock (i guess that cured us of the obesity we didn't have?) back to the potlach and then onto the street, where we kept walking before being surrounded by creepy huge-eyed raven/crows that were hopping around in a circle with us in the middle, trying to get us. there was a pond or lake nearby so i guess we decided to hide in the water. we were telling my sister to hide under the water because there was a crow/raven swimming towards her, but then the raven turned into a duck swimming towards her but then it was just sitting there on the water, then the duck turned into Kellin Quinn, who didn't do anything but i guess the birds went away. So that was random. |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by TKEStrong3
and weird.
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by TKEStrong3
i have recurring public toilet dreams/nightmares where there'll be a random toilet sitting out in the open: for instance, the bus stop and the library. And recurring dreams where i need to yell but i cant make any noise for some reason.
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by TKEStrong3
you're friend's dream is funny, im going to read it to my sisters
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by TKEStrong3
my sister dreamt that she:"was a weird curly-haired guy and some people we know were going wyvern hunting (2-legged dragon) but they got sick and the creek near their house was covered in a big quilt. so they told us to wyvern hunt for them. we were like, "ok" and were inn a truck and the river was super big like a lake or something. we were driving in the truck eating cheese goop stuff that looked kind of like a shirt but was squishy. we never found any wyverns, but we all looked different than we actually are." |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by TKEStrong3
also in my dream, where there was a duck right then there were subtitles by the water that said "water swooshing"
Super Moderator
2 years, 2 months ago by KrazyKnotz
I often dream that I'm in lost in a maze, or facing an obstacle course that I know there is now way of getting through. 🤔My subconscious is definitely trying to tell me something 😅 |
Super Moderator
2 years, 2 months ago by KrazyKnotz
I've also dreamed that I have a cream colored French bulldog named Poptart dressed in an evel knievel costume 😂
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by TKEStrong3
last night i dreamt i went down to the harbor to spray paint my dad's skiff with some cans of spray paint he had in it. so i sprayed green and orange on one of the seats and then was trying to smear it around with my hand but that wasn't working. then my dad came down and was like "what are you doing you're using the wrong kind!"
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by tkd2010
i had this dream that me and my friends went to this park. then i saw my crush and his friend (ig my brain just made this person up bc i’ve never seen them before haha) so me and my crush were talking. (i remember telling him he looked rlly white which he isn’t even that white and his “friend” said “your white too! and i told him i was half hispanic half white and he didn’t believe me) later on i went and met back up w my friends and one of them said “what are you trying to do talking w him?” and i said “yk what i’m doing” and smiled and walked away…
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by TKEStrong3
my sister had a dream where some lady was telling her "this place by your eyes, those are the hooklets, and you put earrings in them.'' then she gave Me some earrings (which were more like ornaments) and i put them in the "hooklets" in my eyes.
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by Hassey
I have almost every night a dream of my crush with me and our families. The "feeling" I mostly have in these dreams are surprised, running from my family, content when I am with him, confused, curious, sad and sometimes, desperatly crying. I record what happened in my dreams because the information might help me sometime later.
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by sage-wolf
ahhhh I have so many..1. I had this dream that my friends Ray and Gemma were with me, amd we were all tiny.. so then we saw a shoe and Ray and I jumped in 😂 Gemma was like “nah” and then she grew back to normal size and put on the shoe. Ray and I climbed up her side and onto her shoulder like that elf in Hilda and we just kept talking to her while she ignored us 2. I had this dream tonight.. So, I was at summer camp, where my dad worked. It was fun and like old timey themed. I was walking around the “village” when I found my dad. He was going to some club with some staff and invited me. I said yes, Then we traveled to some war torn country in the Middle East to get to the bar, and I made a friend.. we bonded over the song 99 red balloons which was playing. then the club got bombed but we escaped with my friends mom, then we moved to some apartment in France, then back to America, the apartment in America where I decided to get adopted by them. They were poor so the toilet in the apartment was said to not work. I tested this by flushing a book down the toilet and it turned out the toilet was amazing and we were all so happy. Then we dediced to Explore the neighborhood and I found my childhood friend Sofia who now tours with Dora Cat?? 😂 them I saw some other old friends Jacey and Jayda who were just as mean as ever, and their cousin Josie who was still really nice and embarrassed by her cousins 😂 |
2 years, 2 months ago by Tikilishi
@TKEStrong3 ME TOOOOO what is with the recurring toilet dreams?? I get those at least once every few months!! Those and pool and waterslide nightmares, like I'm in the backrooms or something 😂
2 years, 2 months ago by Tikilishi
I keep a digital dream journal. The most recent dream entries say;1. "Went to a place with a beautiful courtyard decorated for Halloween. I made a new friend and we went to a little coffee shop. There was a Halloween celebration going on and we went to a campfire." 2. "Dreamt we let a rabid cat into the house and it bit me and wouldn't let go. We locked up the cat and waited for authorities to arrive, then went to the hospital and got rabies shots. All our animals had to be quarantined for 6 months to make sure they were fine." 😶 (The first one was nice at least 😅) |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by TKEStrong3
@Tikilishi one time i dreamt there was a random (functional) toilet in the kitchen at my grandmas when all my cousins were there AND I WAS USING IT. I wake up from those dreams really thankful for walls.
2 years, 2 months ago by audreymb
Last night I dreamed that I was dating luke from Gilmore girls 😂
2 years, 2 months ago by xc2024
i never remember dreams. like if you didnt tell me everyone dreams, i would never know
Bracelet King
2 years ago by tkd2010
my friend had a dream that she was running and jumped off a really steep hill and while she was falling her dream paused and there was that loading wheel thing 😂