guy advice. HELP!!!
2 years, 3 months ago by mimi73449
this is long so buckle up! 😂 ok so I have a guy friend let's call him Jack. Jack and I haven't been Friends for like SUPER long but we've known about each other as his aunt is my riding instructor let's call her Katie. I have been taking lessons from Katie for almost 5 years and she's convinced Jack and I are like soulmates and like meant for each other. typically she's right about this kind of stuff. she was right when she told me my ex was not a good person and same with the guy before that and same with my sister and some of the other girls at the barn. She's known Jack his whole life and known me for 5 years. ok so jack and I started like actually being friends at the beginning of this summer and are almost inseparable when we are together. I went to visit him in college (he lives a couple hours away) and conveniently was able to see other friends as well. anyway while we were together he was always looking down at me when we were talking or like nudging me or just like always wanting to be near me and touching me (not weird touching). at one point we were sitting downtown and people watching as there's not much to do in his college town so I lean on his shoulder bc I'm tired. he leans back on me and then the rest of my visit he was letting me lean on him or would awkwardly reach around or over me if he needed something and I was In the way. later I asked him what that was all about bc a week before my visit I told him I thought he was really cute and he told me I was cute too but as friends for now. fast forward to a couple days after my visit I asked him why he leaned back or let me be so close to him and he tells me "it was nice and your perfume smelled good but I think we should still stay friends for now" as the weeks go on he's always asking about my day or complimenting me or my outfit or something. he said at one point "you are such a good sister and an amazing woman" which leads me to believe there's more than he says but every time I ask him he says "we are just friends" so is he friend zoning me or is he like wanting to ask me out or is he legit just complimenting me for the hell of it? HELP 😂
Bracelet King
2 years, 3 months ago by Zaan_13
You both have such a nice friendship! 🥰 Maybe since y'all only recently became good friends he isn't trying to rush anything just yet bc of how he said "as friends for now." Since he's such a vocal person I'd have high expectations that if he does eventually want something more than friendship he'll come out and say it. I've had guy friends that were the same but we were always just friends and it was just that we both liked physical contact like hugs etc but after they got into rships that obviously lessened but it was v natural ☺️ so I think just wait it out and see, and maybe his aunt might give you some insight abt him at some point 😉
2 years, 3 months ago by mimi73449
I forgot he also calls me queen whenever he texts me gn or gm. His nickname for me is fumes bc I never have gas in my car so queen isn’t really related so idk