what are/were your favourite and least favourite classes? page 2
Bracelet King
2 years, 3 months ago by LunarXD
My favorite subjects are social studies and PE. Social studies because it is very fun to take notes on it for some reason and I have a lot of friends in that class.I sit at a table with all boys but they are nice to me ( I even like one of them ). One bad thing about social studies is my teacher yells at me sometimes and singles me out if i am late. I'm not even a bad kid! ( lol ).Also PE because it is fun and i have a lot of friends in that class. The two PE teachers at my school are my favorite teachers but are sometimes very strict. I often have fire drills while I am in PE and we are already outside on the field so we don't have to walk far at all haha.
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by gingergaze
my favorite class is wilderness living skills😄 and my least favorite class is media production🙁