acne? page 2
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by kindcat
2 years, 1 month ago by AAawesome
I honestly have no idea what to do because I can't do anything about mine. That is because most products use benzoyl peroxide and I am deadly allergic to it. 🙁
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by tkd2010
@AAawesome oh wow. since i’ve posted this i’m still using oxy face wash, stridex grapefruit cleansing pads, gold bond moisturizer and my acne has gotten so much better. have you tried one of those things you put on your sinks faucet that purifies the water? i’ve heard great things abt it. also my brother had bad acne when he was like 14-16 and he got put on medication and it helped so much. i hope you find something that works for you! 🤍
Bracelet King
2 years ago by squirrel_
If you have already tried some products without lasting results, or improvement, I recommend consulting a dermatologist before trying many products that may worsen the problem in the long term.🙂
Bracelet King
2 years ago by tkd2010
@squirrel_ honestly it’s gotten so much better. i just have occasional mild breakouts. thankfully!
2 years ago by pup1234567
i might be a bit late to this but there is a really good face mask by the ordinary called salicylic acid masque which is amazing for black heads and pores. its not too expensive though its also not super cheap. but its a really good product i definitely recommend
Bracelet King
2 years ago by tkd2010
@pup1234567 yes! i’ve seen tik toks of people using those and i want to try them so bad. but the girl i saw do it said it hurt really bad to take off and i have a low pain tolerance sooo. but i might try it! tysm <333