I just got Gilmored
Bracelet King
2 years, 6 months ago by nonhuman
So I dye my hair a lot and last year I dyed my hair nothing out of my grandparents I bleach and dye my hair about a week or two ago and then all of a sudden it’s aww I miss your old hair you should stop dying your hair and we were in PUBLIC AT MCDONALDS and they wouldn’t stop with pictures of my used to be dirty blond hair😡😡

I am so mad and I just sat their doing nothing and feeling embarrassed and then they have the audacity to pretend like nothing is wrong

Who the heck does that??
2 years, 3 months ago by mimi73449
oooh my gma did that when I got a tattoo! I happened to get my 1st tattoo on the same day as my cousins family bday party and my two aunts knew about my tattoo and wanted to see it immediately after I walked into the room. I'm sitting across from aunt 1 who is obsessing over it and then aunt 2 looks at it and goes loudly "so when are you getting another tattoo!?" which causes my gma to whip her head around from across the room going "WHAT? SHOW ME!" so im like "hahahahah yeah sure" and she goes "oh its kinda big." (my tat is a 1x2in mtn range with some stars above the mountains) and then proceeds to say how damn expensive they are and that there's a lot more better things to spend money on and all that bs. and then continues to say "I guess I just don't have control over my daughter and granddaughter anymore 😢" because my mom "let me get a tattoo" even though I made the decision myself without my mom. so now I'm the disappointment of my family because I'm the first person blood related to my grandma that broke her rule of "no one is allowed to get a tat before me" so all my aunts are super jealous
Bracelet King
2 years, 3 months ago by nonhuman
@mimi73449 I'm sorry and that sounds like a very beautiful tattoo and my sister is going to get one at some point she doesn't know when tho
2 years, 3 months ago by mimi73449
If she wants suggestions for tattoos I’m going to get more soon and I’d be happy to share my ideas and sketches with her!❤️
Bracelet King
2 years, 3 months ago by nonhuman
@mimi73449 ok I'll let her know
2 years, 3 months ago by mimi73449
ok cool. my artist likes drawing stuff too so I can always ask her to draw something for me for you as well 🙂