High School Help Please
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by Books4Ever
I’m going into 9th grade and I’m really nervous, I know a couple people but I’ve heard that teachers can be really mean at the school I’m going to and it’s a big jump from middle school so if somebody would please give me some tips I would be super grateful.
2 years, 5 months ago by sftball011
I’m in the same boat as you. Also my school is huge (like 2000+ kids) so I’m worried about getting lost and stuff. Also the school hasn’t sent out any orientation stuff where you find out your schedule and walks the halls and stuff so I’m getting kinda stressed because they need to send us that dates and stuff. 😡😡🥵
2 years, 5 months ago by leewarner
I’m go in the 9th grade but I’m homeschooled
2 years, 5 months ago by xc2024
im gonna be a junior so heres what i learned freshman year: teachers are mean for the first month or so, like a welcome to high school thing, so just be prepared for some to grade super hard on the first assignment or assign a ton of hw the first month. at my school finding rooms eith room numbers is pretty easy and teachers hang out in the hall inbetween clssses so if you dont know where your going ask. stay on top of hw. do it every night, they assign it for s reason. also just remember that a teacher someone hates could end up being your favorite, its all about perspective so go into it with the idea that your gonna have to make new friends, take new opportunities and enjoy it. also @sftball011 some schools do orientation later then others, im helping run it this year for my school and it’s literally 2 daya beforeschool starts😑
2 years, 5 months ago by xc2024
also everyone feels a bit lost, so dont worry about it
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by Books4Ever
@xx2024 thanks you so much!
2 years, 5 months ago by xc2024
@Books4Ever np, lmk if you have any more questions!!
2 years, 5 months ago by ughastd
hii i just graduated high school actually, at my school most people who say these types of things are exaggerating a little bit. even if they aren’t, you get used to “mean” teachers and they don’t seem as bad as time goes on if that makes sense. also everyone else in your grade feels the same way but that feeling goes away quickly
2 years, 5 months ago by ughastd
the teachers do usually get nicer tho, even if the workload increases
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by pelulu
Hey as a current junior I can say it really isn't that bad but, I did freshman year remotely so take what I say with a grain of salt. I honestly didn't think it was too bad but if you want to make friends definitely put yourself out there when you do any sort of introductions, Like something along the lines of "Hey I'm Lulu and I like Kpop and manga, I hope to have a good school year" if you want to. I found this is actually good to do especially if you are going into a school without any of your prior friends. Since everyone feels a bit lost hearing people with other similar interests is definitely a good move in order to make friends. When it comes to the teachers, in my experience coming from a small school they tend to not really like freshmen since they seem to act immaturely. So they just seem annoyed because of how 9th grades act and I assure you it's like that for almost every freshmen grade lol. But honestly it's pretty easy you just have to get familiar with the building and the people and have a kind attitude. I hope everything goes well for you!
2 years, 5 months ago by xc2024
also if you hear the older grades complaining about freshman or something, every year we all complain about freshman,,
2 years, 5 months ago by xc2024
we did my sophomore year, snd we are already complaining that we ‘dont like’ the incoming freshman. it doesnt actually mean anything, like @pelulu said it’s typically cause they are more immature. dont be offended. also forgot to say this but i didnt know anyone in my lunch my freshman or sophomore year so i literally walked up to a girl sitting alone my freshman yesr and sat next to her. we are best friends. same with the guy that i walked up to and sat next to sophomore year. im so close with both i
2 years, 5 months ago by xc2024
ahhh i cannot type, but im so close with both of them now, so just be nice and friendly but not fake and youll be fine. also get a planner or write down hw. teachers will not care if you forget to do it, if they check, so just do your best not to
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by pelulu
Yes I forgot about the homework part but in high school it is very different from middle school where the teachers would hunt you down for missing work. In high school whether you do the work or not is your problem but, in my personal experience if you have a good relationship with your teachers and reach out to them about missing assignments and such they are more willing to work with you and help you if you show that you care about the work. I know that myself since being online it made it quite difficult dealing with the amount of work but, if I talked to my teachers and reached out first they would be wiling to give me extensions for turning in my work.
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by Books4Ever
@ughasted @pelulu @xc2024 thank you guys so much, you guys are really helping me feel better about going into high school
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by CakeCup
Hey! I'm starting junior year this year. I hope I can give you some tips.

- Some people already mentioned this, but be prepared to make new friends and lose some old ones. Especially if your high school is big, then making new friends is important. The chances of you getting your current friends in the same classes is pretty low, so you will need new friends. Also because of this, you may lose friends. This isn't a bad thing! It's just people change, as do you, and things happen.
-Dont afraid to all questions. Your teachers will be willing to help you find the answer. In fact 90 percent of the time they want you to ask questions. I had a bio teacher in 9th grade that I loved asking questions about the lessons or thoughts I had by myself. It was nice to chat after class about what bio question I had that day .
-Do homework and study. I am pretty good at doing my homework. Just do it. It will make tests less stressful. I am not very good at studying. That probably would have given me a better grade in many of my classes in both 9th and 10th grade. If you don't already study, figure out how to. If you do, then keep doing it! Along with this, don't procrastinate. That is probably one of the worst decisions you can make. It makes you very stressed when you are trying to write a story in one and a half weeks verse 3 weeks. Again, DONT PROCRASTINATE!
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by weirdkiddo
I’m gonna be a junior so here goes
• you’re going to have to talk to new people. Don’t be afraid to make some new friends! You’ll probably lose some old ones because that just happens in life. Don’t stress about finding friends though, it’ll happen naturally. Just talk to people!
• do your homework! I promise it’s worth it. Every night do your work and study. It’ll help I promise.
• take good notes in class to use when you’re studying or doing homework.
• I know this is easier said than done, but try not to stress too much. School won’t be the death of you.
• teachers might be strict the first month. But as long as you are engaged in class, try your best, ask good questions, turn in assignments on time, and listen then they will warm up to you. Teachers are there to help and guide you, not be mean.
•teachers want to talk to YOU about any issues, not your parents. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you have questions.
• workload will be more but you’ll find a way to manage your time that works best for you.
• PLEASE DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! It is tempting, but don’t do it!!!
Don’t be too worried about high school. Everyone is going to feel the same way you feel. Enjoy these next four years and make the most of them!