Americans: A Question
Bracelet King
2 years, 6 months ago by aurelius
directed at anyone that routinely shops online

my country had a huge legal dispute with amazon and because of that, nobody purchases from there because shipping costs a fortune. instead aliexpress is the exceptionally popular alternative. it stocks much of the same things (embroidery floss included!) and from what i know, they don't charge much more to ship to america. essentially i'm just curious as to whether people know about the platform over there and if so why it isn't used as often?
2 years, 6 months ago by xc2024
i didnt know about aliexpress but i use amazon cause its so convenient and typically super quick. also i have amazon prime and free returns and shipping are super nice lol
2 years, 6 months ago by SnailMade
@aurelius I've never heard of Aliexpress.. I recommend you look on Facebook if you have it. If something bad happened to a mom's order, they'd post about it
Sorry I couldn't provide more info
2 years, 6 months ago by SnailMade
Just looked on youtube- maybe watch a few 'how to avoid scam' vids first? idk, personally I wouldn't use it if I hadn't heard of it before 🤷🏻‍♀️
Bracelet King
2 years, 6 months ago by Lulu_Ninja
I’ve used AliExpress before. I think that many people typically just use Amazon because shipping is usually quick. Also I’ve heard people being concerned about how cheap AliExpress prices are, so i think some people are Jsut worried about poor quality. The items I ordered seemed fine, they didn’t seem cheaper than Amazon would have been, however, it did take about a month to a month and a half to ship to me. So, to me, it’s kinda like do you want quick shipping or cheaper prices
Bracelet King
2 years, 6 months ago by aurelius
@xc2024 @SnailMade @Lulu_Ninja

that makes sense. if aliexpress is generally not as well-known and has a bad rep. the shipping does take a long time but the same can be said for most places here so nobody seems to mind. if you're wondering, the quality of the stuff is on par with amazon (they actually sell many of the same items) but it's important to check reviews. it is an excellent place to buy string becuase there are a few retailers that will customise sets for you if you need specific colors 😄
2 years, 6 months ago by anikatoshi
allie express is also quite popular over here with the younger generations and sometimes its bad quality due to that
Bracelet King
2 years, 6 months ago by TaM03
I use amazon souly for the reason that we have a wearhouse not that far from my home so I can order something and get in a few hours most of the time my parents also have prime so we typically don't have to pay for shipping