Back Pain!!
Bracelet King
2 years, 6 months ago by KuteKat
Hi! So I know lots of people get back pain from knotting but does anyone get pain when they lean over then stand up when they aren’t knotting?? This has been happening to me and I’m wondering if it’s happened to anyone else. Thanks for the help!!
Bracelet King
2 years, 6 months ago by Zaan_13
If I've been knotting for a long time with bad posture or without much movement I'll have back pain for a while after as well.
You can do some lower back stretches throughout the day (quick search to get some good ones- can literally type "stretches for sitting all day" lol).
While you're knotting you can try using a pillow to support your back, or elevate your pattern so u don't need to hunch over too much, and also take some walks / stretches in between 😄