Coming out abcs other stuff
2 years, 9 months ago by dumblond
Just a place to talk about coming out and a place to rant if u need to
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by tkd2010
Ok so I THINK I might be Bi. So I have this friend who’s Bi and she’s a very touchy person. Like you’ll be sitting down and she’ll come lay in your lap and give you hugs around the waist and bury her head in your hair. She’s very pretty and funny. I think I might like her. I’ve never liked another girl before so I don’t know how it feels. I’ve liked boys before and recently I’ve not been as “into” guys as I used to be. Don’t get me wrong I think some guys are attractive but I’m not like OOOOHHH HES SO FINE I WANT TO DATE HIM! I’m just not sure and need help so if there’s any people that have gone thru this or just have advice I’d love to hear it! Please respond.💛🙂
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by tkd2010
And today 2 of my friends asked if I was gay!!! They were like you act kinda gay (we all do but i guess I act MORE GAY idk) so there’s that too😂
2 years, 7 months ago by dumblond
Honestly I’ve been going through something similar but I’m reading to figure out if I even like guys at all. You can have different types of feelings toward men and women, like for me I don’t feel sexual attraction to guys as strongly as I feel it towards girls but I still feel some romantic attraction to guys and women. You could also be pan or omni if gender doesn’t really matter to you. In the end it’s best to research the different sexualities and kind of just live your life and let your sexuality figure itself out. Just love who you love and don’t worry about putting a label on anything.
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by tkd2010
Ok. Thank you for the advice. I don’t really care abt gender (I think as of rn) I just like who I like I’m pretty sure but I’m going to still research and stuff. Thank you so much💛
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by tkd2010
Also my parents and whole family are SUPER conservative and won’t support me when I come out if I end up being bi or pan or whatever soooo yeah……that’s just great😢