Any bird owners?
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by _Ederle_
My sister had a cockatiel for about a month or two and can’t train him. He’s scared of everyone, water, a lot of toys, and other pets that just walk by the cage. We can’t get him to bathe. He still can’t step up on our hands and he’s scared of everything. Whenever we try to offer him different food, he just avoids it as well as he can and we have to give him the old food back. He’s perfectly healthy because we’ve taken him to the vet a week ago and they checked him out and said he was fine and he was just having a hard time getting used to this and trusting humans. We haven’t chased him around and we always try to be calm around him and keep other pets away but nothing is working, we don’t know what to do anymore and if anyone could help I would really appreciate it.
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by GenMalucci
I own two parrots, one being a cockatiel. Cockatiels are really flighty and can get scared really fast. He may be overwhelmed if you’re trying to touch him often, or change things. Maybe move him to a room that is quiet, but people go in at least a few times each day, and just sit in the room, try not to be really loud, or move really quickly, or can stress them out and cause the bird to not trust you. So my other parrot with literally bathe in the sink in front of people, but my cockatiel refuses to even go near water around people and she trusts me a lot, so it’s okay if you don’t see him bathing or drinking. I suggest taking it slow, the channel Bird Tricks on YouTube has some amazing instructional videos, and they also have an email that you can send your bird issues to, and they help with trust, diet, and bird related things.
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by _Ederle_
@GenMalucci He’s in a quiet room but people still go in there. Once he got out of his cage (my sister and her friends let him out) and landed on a table but since he was scared and wanted to go back to his cage he actually got on my hand to go back. But he won’t do it if he’s in his cage or he’s not scared of something and wants to go back. He’s just difficult ig.