Pride Things ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 page 2
2 years, 10 months ago by Storm_levi
@bby_Brooke Facts
Bracelet King
2 years, 10 months ago by bby_Brooke
@Storm_levi about which part??
Bracelet King
2 years, 10 months ago by bby_Brooke
Bruh i made rainbow things hung them on my wall Eveything i get is always rainbow 😂 I straight out just told my step mom- And close friends. Pretty much everyone in my family knows 😐 |
2 years, 10 months ago by Storm_levi
@bby_Brooke about the part of slowly easing your self in. I've learned from personal expirece that although being out is a beautiful thing it can also be very stressful and is not something that you want to just dive in head first.
Bracelet King
2 years, 10 months ago by bby_Brooke
@Storm_leviYeah its very stressful becuz u dont know how people will react you know? Ive known known for a good 2-3 years but the first 2 years i only told 2 people my sister n my ex bsf |
2 years, 10 months ago by Storm_levi
I don't have much pride stuff in my room that is explictly pride. I currently only have a small watercolor poster I painted, a cup pouring out rainbow wreaths and flowers, a Trans Rights Are Human Rights shirt, and a trans frog pin from Hot Topic on my rucksack. I do have some bracelets that have my pronouns and things like that. But nothing thats in your face gay.
2 years, 10 months ago by Storm_levi
@bby_Brooke I've know I was Trans since primary school. But back then there wasn't really a word for it. At least not one that was widely used. When I finally did find the word I ignored that I was because I didn't want to be any more different than I already was. I then I realized that I like both men and women and everyone in between. It wasn't until some of my siblings came that I decided to come out as well. And then that didn't go so well. Just last friday a student in my maths class questioned my gender and why I don't look very masculine. I had to explain for the three hundreth time that yes I am Trans, but that I am also Gender Fluid and therefore choose to express my gender differently that others. I am always male. Its just sometimes I choose to express my masuclinity in a rather feminine way.
2 years, 9 months ago by rosebloom
before people knew, one of my friend asked me if she could make me a bracelet & asked me what my three favorite colors were. i answered “pink, white, and orange.” she says, “oh! those are the colors of the lesbian flag!” i just kinda brush it off and end up coming out to her a week later lol
2 years, 9 months ago by rosebloom
@Also i made one of those paper chain things like the ones you would make to count down days until holidays in like kindergarten but with rainbow paper in replacement of a flag because i wasn’t out at the time, i live in a very unsafe place, & i have people over a lot. hopefully someday i’ll actually be able
2 years, 9 months ago by rosebloom
- to put a flag up though (pressed send too early 😎👍✨)
Bracelet King
2 years, 9 months ago by tkd2010
Uh I need some help from anyone that can. Since this is a pride post I hope to get some good info and help. So I think I might be Bi. I have this friend who I think I might like (she is bi) she’s a very touchy person and I just feel different I guess when I’m around her. I’ve liked boys before but never a girl. I don’t know if I actually like her tho. If anyone could help I was REALLY appreciate it!💛
2 years ago by Cloud10
I don’t know if I’m lesbian or not
2 years ago by Cloud10
A girl I know super well likes me and I kinda like her but I don’t know if I like like her. HELP please
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sage-wolf
@Cloud10 how would you feel if she asked you out? do you feel sort of fluttery around her? if so you might like her. but that doesn’t necessarily make you a lesbian, you could be bi, pan, omni, or many other things :]
2 years ago by Cloud10
Yeah I did…
2 years ago by Cloud10
My school is against all 🏳️🌈 which is real sad
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sage-wolf
@Cloud10 oh no im srry mine would be too. but im homeschooled. do you still think you like boys too?
2 years ago by Cloud10
Yeah I do
Bracelet King
2 years ago by sage-wolf
@Cloud10 then you’re probably not a lesbian, but you’re likely some sort of multisexual. this can include bi, pan, poly, and omni, to name a few. if you want you can pm me to talk about this more :]
2 years ago by Cloud10