Crochet-related recommendation needed
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by minutcraft
So… I really want to learn how to crochet, and I thought there may be someone (or some someones) here that may be able to point me to good videos or YouTube channels you think I should check out.

I’ve never crocheted before, and have only knitted something once in my life (so long ago that I’ve quite forgotten how)—so that’s where we are starting from.
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by oceanknot
I just started learning to crochet a couple weeks ago, so I am by no means an expert, but I followed a granny square tutorial by Bella Coco ( ) and was able to finish it after a couple tries of undoing it and redoing it. If your granny square looks absolutely nothing like hers though, the more you start over and keep practicing, the more it should look like hers. I remember the first time I did a granny square, I had no clue where to put my hook and everything just looked like one ball of yarn. You also don’t even have to start with a granny square if you don’t want to, but I think Bella Coco is really good at explaining how to do every single step of the process for absolute beginners.
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by rollergirl
Hi! I love crotcheting! (Not sure how to spell it 😂). I learned from an older woman when I was younger, and she started me off like this-
1. Learn how to make a slip knot so you can start a chain
2. Make a chain
3. Learn how to double back on rows

Look up YouTube videos for making slip knots, crocheting a chain, and crotcheting something like a hot pad.

Good luck!!
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by minutcraft
@oceanknot @rollergirl Thanks so much for your recommendations! I'll check them out over the weekend. Hehe.
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by oceanknot
no problem!
3 years ago by eboyTavros
i learned the most from just finding a pattern i liked (ravelry is good to find them) and then just like, looking up tutorials on any stitch i didnt know, but i had already been doing super basic crochet stuff for like Years bc my grandma taught me, so maybe that isnt the best advice for right now but when youve got the basics down definitely try it.
3 years ago by eboyTavros
also make sure to pay attention to how tightly youre holding the yarn because tension is a big factor in making it look good
3 years ago by Storm_levi
I orginally taught myself by watching one of my dads crochet. But since then I have frequently used HappyBerry Crochet and Hooked By Robin for patterns but both also teach how to crochet starting from the basics. I personally have never used either to learn but I know people have and like the teaching method.
3 years ago by M_knots08
Look up some videos on single crochet or beginning to crochet. If they are going to fast try to turn the speed down or feel free to watch more than 1 video. I had to watch a couple videos to find one that made me understand what to do. Also don't get discouraged if your first couple attempts don't look good. My first project that got past a jumble of knots looked terrible. I hope this helps. 😊
Bracelet King
3 years ago by minutcraft
@eboyTavros Thanks for the tips!
Bracelet King
3 years ago by minutcraft
@Storm_levi Thanks for the recommendation. Will check them out!
Bracelet King
3 years ago by minutcraft
@M_knots08 thanks for sharing. I was very worried about making nothing more than a mess (i’ve seen a few basic knot videos but just somehow can’t wrap my mind around them… and the projects seem to take a long time to do… what does one do if you need to stop mid project/mid row? How do you start up again? And how do you secure the end of a row or project? I have so many questions.
3 years ago by M_knots08 This is a tutorial that helped me learn to single crochet. Don't worry if you cant get it right away. It took me a couple days of trial and error to fully understand it. Also when you want to stop crocheting just keep your hook in the project and put it on a table or in a safe place. As long as the hook doesn't fall out your project will be safe. You also shouldn't need to do anything to secure your rows. Just turn your work and move across to make the next row. Hopefully the video explains it better than I did. 😂
3 years ago by Storm_levi
@minutcraft I often find when starting a new fiber art that its best to take your materials in bulk (in this situation yarn and a crochet hook) and simply just mess around and get familiar with your tools and discover what makes you comfortable. This advice goes for really any thing new in life. But for crochet I'd suggest going on to Youtube and finding a pattern that you like, prefebly for beginners but really whatever tickles your fancy, and following along with the person and studying their habits. But don't just stick to one person. Find mutliple people and learn from others. Learn from the advice and experience. And don't be afraid to make mistakes we all have and we all will.