Nail tips?
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Firecorn
I keep picking of my nail polish even if it’s not chipped or I bite or pick at my nails for whatever reason (idrk why) does anyone have tips to not pick at my nails or nail polish? I would like to get my nails painted and I don’t want to pick it offAlso im thinking about yellow but if anyone has color suggestions feel free to comment! Also I’m in school rn so colors for school? |
3 years, 4 months ago by OwObama
If the problem is specifically chewing, you could try buying a sensory necklace. It's basically a little chew toy necklace for people that need something to chew on. I clench my jaw a lot on accident because that's where stress tends to manifest in my body, and having the sensory necklace helps me not grind my teeth and recognize when i need to relax my jaw. You could also try just bulk buying lollipops, since having something in your mouth and the stick between your teeth would lessen the need to chew on anything. Lollipops are what I used before I got my sensory necklace.If it's picking that's the problem, maybe you need a stronger nail polish. Most people only pick at their polish if it's already chipping, so try doing a double coat of a good quality polish and then adding a clear top coat if you don't already. I'm not sure how old you are but if you're a teen, getting acrylics/gels could make you stop biting your nails AND picking at them, since it kind of hurts to pull on acrylics and they taste genuinely horrible. You could always look in to other fidget toys that might help relieve some of those urges. I bought a set of DnD dice because I like the noise they make when they click together, and holding dice in one hand while the other is busy (ie writing or using a computer mouse) stops me from picking at my nailbeds. You could always try something like that, or a fidget cube or something. |
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Firecorn
@OwObama thanks! I will look into a chewy necklace
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Firecorn
@OwObama update i got nails that are the color of olvia rodrigos sour album like a light purple
3 years, 4 months ago by OwObama
I love that color! I bet they look amazing 🙂