Continue the story (GAME)
3 years, 6 months ago by 011
So basically, you continue the story based on what the person/people above you have written. I’ll go first: Once upon a time there was a kid named Joey, he had a wild imagination filled with unicorns and robots and dragons and elves and fairies and everything magical and cool! |
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by SusuKnots
However, he was cursed so everyone could always see what he was thinking about, and other kids made fun of him for thinking about unicorns so often
3 years, 6 months ago by 011
One day, he was in class and the teacher assigned a project to them. Joey sat in the back with Arnold a kid in his class. Joey started to think an awesome idea for the project, and Arnold saw it. The day of the presentation Arnold wanted to go first and, to Joey’s surprise, he had stolen his awesome idea! And when Joey gave HIS presentation, which turned out exactly the same as Arnold’s, everyone called him a copycat. That was when he had enough. So that same day, he set off on a quest to find whoever gave him that curse…..
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by SusuKnots
But Joey had a problem. He had no clue where to start! He decided to go visit the witch of the woods who lived a few miles away, and see if she knew anything about it.
3 years, 6 months ago by cactusgirl
He traveled for years and years, determined. Now he is an adult, and at the moment he is in New York City. He hasn’t seen Arnold since the day of copied projects, and he hopes it stays that way. He is coming closer and closer to finding the witch that put the curse on him, and soon it shall be lifted. BAM “IVE BEEN HIT” he screamed….
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by SusuKnots
As someone on a motorcycle careened around the corner and smashed straight into him. "Watch where you're going, idiot," the person on the motorcycle snapped at him. "S-sorry" Joey stammered, in shock. It was then that he noticed that the person on the motorcycle was a woman with long, black hair, a pointy black hat, and a black cloak. A black cat meowed from the basket attached to the front of the motorcycle.
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by RavenAMZ06
The black cat hissed at him and stared at him with it's yellow eyes... He moved back slowly, trying not to look back, As he approached the pavement the cat lunged at him and scratched his face. The lady got off her bike and ran towards joey, she picked up the cat and glared at Joey. "What did you do?" she asked with a stern voice. Joey was taken aback. " She never does this unless you did something to agitate her, did you pull her whiskers? Did you pull her ears? WHAT DID YOU DO? She started screaming curses at him. Joey sensing something bad was going to happen, took off.
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by Lavender7
He ran and ran. He passed tall sky scrapers. He pushed pass people, eager to get away as fast as he could. He could hear the motorcycle’s engine screaming and screeching right behind him. Now he sprinted away, sweat dripping from his face. He hear the witches voice echoing off the glass walls of the buildings. “GEt bAcK rIgHt NoW!” He voice reminded him of chalk scraping on a chalkboard. Finally he stopped running, breathing hurt him, his legs felt like jelly. But still he hear that motorcycle screeching. Just then he spotted a hole in the ground. He leapt into it and slid down, down, down. Into the darkness of the deep. He hit the floor, hard.
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by ChaosZone
As he stood up, he rubbed his head. "Ouch."Looking around him he saw a he was in a completely round dirt tunnel. The walls were riddled with roots and some things that might have been bones. It had a creepy vibe. He looked up. Way, way above him he saw a circle patch of light about the size of his fist. Faintly, he could hear the screeching sounds of the crazy lady, her cat, and her vehicle. "Well I guess the option of getting back up that way is out." He said to himself. "I suppose I'll just have to go this way." Wiping the dirt from his knees he started to make his way down the long, dark, tunnel. |