read this when🥰🥰🥰
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by behappy8
when you need a laugh: I invented a new word!

Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers?
He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them. eh eh

when you are tired: hey bruh take a warm bathe or shower whatever's your thing and relax get into a nicely(or not) made bed turn on some white noise I like dishwasher sounds from my Alexa but whatever you like and read a book it will be ok if that doesn't work try putting on socks it sounds simple but helps a ton.

when you are missing someone: don't know where they are I feel bad for you I'm sorry that they just walked out on you, you're a wonderful person passed away: I get it it sucks both of my grandparents passed away in 19 days It was hard but things get better with time

having suicidal thoughts or feelings don't kill yourself please for the love of swiss cheese don't kill yourself people love you if you need to talk about it you can all ways pm dm or whatever its called message my I might not respond right away but I want you to know that I care about you I might not know you or speak your language but I will always help out a person in need

need a good book to read here are some of my faves: divergent, the candy makers, hunger games, harry potter, (I haven't read this yet but my BFF raves abt it) koltc

need some one to talk to she/they are right here