For my musical theater people
5 years, 6 months ago by Sami442
So i had this audition for The Seussical that prepared for so much and i thought i nailed it. My friend audition with me but she didn’t really practice and kept forgetting the words in her song. She ended up getting in the show and i didn’t. I’m trying to be happy for her but i’m really upset. Any Advice?
Bracelet King
5 years, 6 months ago by yaytoast29
I’ve faced a similar ish situation and my friend gave me some good insight on director’s choices. So basically, one component of being able to do a role really well and spot on is that you as a person kinda have to have some similar qualities to the character that you are playing. For example, if it’s a depressed character, the director would probably choose someone who is more of a pessimist in real life so that they might relate to the character better. The same for if it was like an old character, they would choose someone who was more mature and a older mental age or something like that. Although your friend didn’t try as hard, maybe she related to one of the characters and was cast as such. And you probably are like super talented but didn’t get in, not because of your talent, but being
Bracelet King
5 years, 6 months ago by yaytoast29
Ahhhhh didn’t finish!!!!!! Hold onnnnn
Bracelet King
5 years, 6 months ago by yaytoast29
..... not because of your lack of talent but because other people fit with certain characters more strongly. So at my school, we were doing Romeo and Juliet. So the lead actress for Juliet got reallllyyyy sick and was unable to perform. So we pushed back the show like a week and has to figure something out cuz the first actress couldn’t do it. So we had the actress who was playing lady capulet take over Juliet and then our director took over lady capulet because she had done it before. Now one of my friends was lady Montague in that show which is a super small part and is on stage for like 12 seconds. She was a really good actress and could have totally taken over for lady capulet instead of our director and then someone from the ensemble could have taken last Montague cuz it’s such a small part. However she wasn’t even considered and she was really upset about it. However, she is a super sweet loving caring wouldn’t hurt a fly kind of person and lady capulet is a cold calculating evil abusive character. And although she could have done it, it would have been harder especially with only a week to prepare. (Btw I’m not saying my director is like that she is just a little more cool and firm, less bubbly and such). The next show tho, she got the lead and it was in part because of her talent but also a little because of her personality. I’m sure that you are completely capable and talented enough to get into suessical but maybe it’s a similar situation with the characters not fitting you. I hope this made sense and helped and good luck with your next audition!!!!!! Ps sorry about sending it too early.
Bracelet King
5 years, 6 months ago by 22graffeod
I have to say, a directors choice can depend on a lot of things: a lot ability, a persons casting type (mentioned above), availability, and simply a directors choice. You could really be an amazing fit for a role and they just might not cast you. It’s hard, i know firsthand, but just audition for as many shows as possible and you’ll find a perfect role.
Bracelet King
5 years, 6 months ago by yaytoast29
I also know that my director at my school does this thing where she casts by seniority. So basically if you are like a senior or junior, then you get better roles, even if there is someone younger who would have fit the part perfectly. Maybe you fit a role really well, but someone with seniority got the part? Idk how this director operates tho
Bracelet King
5 years, 6 months ago by 22graffeod
Same with my school, though this year a sophomore got Esmeralda and at the junior high a 7th grader got Annie so anything can happen. Usually it is cast by seniority though
5 years, 2 months ago by toblerone
I know it’s several months late but I’m really sorry @Sami442 !
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by Iovely
(example names are Genna and Margaret). so i was at play rehersal a little bit ago and this girl who’s in my play (my school does two) she asked my other friend who’s scene was better. of course, my friend said my role, and then my
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by Iovely
and then margaret said my role was better and gemma got super mad? send help and/or advice pleeasee