Leftover Thread... page 2
Bracelet King
11 years ago by HeavenSent
With my leftover string I usually make cat toys or cat blankets because my friends cats love them.If you know how to crochet it really helps with using up the leftover string,I tie them together then start crocheting a pattern,I made myself a nice warm double blanket from my leftovers 😄 |
Bracelet King
11 years ago by SBilbrey
I like to use my scrap for practice. If I'm tying a difficult pattern that I've never tried before, I will practice the pattern on scrap string. That way if I mess up, I'm not wasting good string. I also use my scrap in alpha patterns. Sometimes an alpha pattern will call for two or three knots of a particular color. I use my scrap for that, so I don't have to cut a short amount off of my main string. I've already got a short bit of string in my scrap pile!
Bracelet King
11 years ago by MelB
I use my scrap for practicing different knots.
Bracelet King
11 years ago by MelB
Bracelet King
11 years ago by MelB
Sorry about that last post....Anyway most of my scraps are too short to do anything with other than practice.
11 years ago by Margaron
Make small keychain sized pieces and you can pin them to things like buttons or use them as a keychain. 🙂
11 years ago by LeDanielle
I was thinking maybe badges? Like we were raising awareness and money for an issue of our choice, I had this crazy idea to add friendship bracelets to badges, like shaped alpha's ( which FYI I suck at)
11 years ago by allison123
@WovenKitty if you could make a tutorial on how to make macramé knots that would be great because i really wanted to make a macramé bracelet but i dont know how to do the knots
Bracelet King
11 years ago by moonchild
@Juliette what do u mean craft tutorial 12?
Bracelet King
10 years, 12 months ago by mrn1997
I use the longer scrap strings for teeny bracelets, for babies or little kids because they have smaller wrists. I also try out random ideas and make small things like cellphone charms, rings, keychain decorations, etc. I call these things "Scrapys" because it's a bunch of scrap strings. I like some of other ideas on here too, I'll have to try some out! 🙂
10 years, 11 months ago by Peanut
I just signed on to find some awesome new ideas for my scraps, thanks everyone! I love so many of the ideas posted here, I'm going to be quite busy. 🙂
10 years, 11 months ago by smiley434
i know this really cool pattern for using scraps of thread as soon as i can figure out how to put tutotials on this website i will show you how to make it!!!🙂🙂
Bracelet King
10 years, 11 months ago by Adik
@smiley434 You need to message me if you want to add a tutorial 🙂
10 years, 10 months ago by 58093
I just throw mine away....
10 years, 10 months ago by smiley434
i just make the fringe bracelet from beyond bracelets..... one day ill do a tutorial on it for everyone
10 years, 9 months ago by Timotea987
I usually dont have scraps and if i do its the same colour of my bracelet so i braid the ends and make a square knot
10 years, 9 months ago by catminion
I usually keep my leftover string to make a fringe bracelet. Or I'll try to make cat toys with them
Bracelet King
10 years, 1 month ago by CuteCrafts
Well... I get meh extra string, braid it, add a cool bead, and make it as a set with my friendship bracelet