selling bracelets??
5 years, 5 months ago by luvdisney
i want to start selling bracelets on etsy. i was thinking i should start an instagram account for my bracelets, but how do i make my etsy shop known to people? how do i get customers and followers on instagram? also are there any tips i should know when it comes to the bracelets or the shop itself? basically where do i start? any help is appreciated!!! thanks xo
5 years, 5 months ago by Margaron
As far as Instagram goes make sure you utilize hashtags as much as possible, the more relevant they are the more likely people will find them when they search. Also, I would suggest following other bracelet accounts and liking pics etc. A lot of people follow for follow and will look at your account if you’re liking and commenting on pictures. Post about your bracelets for sale and your Etsy shop on your insta as well. And remember to add your shop link into your bios!
5 years, 5 months ago by luvdisney
Okay thank you so much! I took your suggestions! My instagram account is @sunnyseasbraceletco and once I start my Etsy shop I’m going to be donating some of the proceeds to ocean/wildlife charities to keep the oceans clean and animals healthy! If any of you reading this could follow me and maybe even shout me out (if you want lol) that would help a lot! I’m eager to help the oceans and start sellin!! Also, should I start my Etsy shop right away and or should I wait for my account to grow a little? Thanks again!!
5 years, 5 months ago by Margaron
That’s up to you! Some people sell directly out of Instagram through dms and such and don’t even use an Etsy or a website.