Need Some Advice!!!
3 years, 8 months ago by Precious_
So next year I am going to middle school and I just want to know some tips for time management, grades ect.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Annie_Whe
I am in 8th grade and middle school is kind of like a bigger elementary school but with lockers instead of cubbies. My best advice is to memorize your schedule and lock combo. Also for time management, do your homework right when you get home because then you don't have to worry about it later! Don't forget to have fun while in school!
3 years, 8 months ago by Whats_up
I am going into 8th grade and I would say get a group of friends that are in similar classes as you. It would be easier if you made friends with your classmates your first year in middle school since everyone is new, but coming back next year, everyone already has their own "groups." So thats my advice get a good group of friends!
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by lucass_
don’t be afraid to ask for help. legit like you’ll thank yourself cuz it’s all buildin blocks for high school and if you don’t understand smthg when you go, you’ll be lost and it’ll just be miserable
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Books4Ever
I’m in 7th grade rn and here are my tips. Memorize your schedule as soon as you can along with your lock combination. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT get involved in drama. It’s NOT WORTH IT(speaking from experience) find your true friends as soon as you can. It’s ok to ask for help finding your way around.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Books4Ever
Also. Do your homework right away
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by audreyb37
Do your homework right away!!! Also do not get involved in the drama it is the worst.. 😑 also don’t date . I’ve dated some boys and just recently got out of a relationship and I’ve learned that I’m better off without boys and just need to focus on myself and who I am. That sounds cheesy but just don’t date while you’re this young. I regret getting into relationships. But anyways just so your best and when you do homework hand it in on time, you’re most likely to get good grades.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by audreyb37
Good luck in middle school!!
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Caramel04
Speaking as somebody who lived through middle school, sometimes you have to accept that people change. I had some great friends in elementary school that got caught up in the popularity contests and really became people who put others down in order to bring themselves up. You can support people, but at some point you have to realize that you can't change them. Find people that are who they say they are and that provide mutual support for you. In the same vein, the popularity contests are not worth it. You're always going to be cool to somebody, be it your band friends or the people on your school sports team, and you don't need to fit the stereotypical view of "cool". And don't forget to enjoy yourself, because you only get to be an early teen once. Dress up for spirit week and have fun at pep assemblies if your school does those. (You're never too cool for spirit week.) Finally, remember that everyone is trying to figure themselves out in middle school, and that's hard. Give others (and especially yourself) some grace, and build your peers up. Someone saying hello to somebody else in the halls could make their week. You got this! 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by tiny_rose
Thanks for the replies guys 🙂 I'm also going into middle school next year!
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by fuzzydogs8
I will be going into 8th grade next year. My advice is middle school is not as scary as it seems! I have actually I had a way better time in middle school than elementary. I also know that, that is not the case for everyone but it is for be! Try to keep up with your assignments even if it will mean homework. Once you have too much missing work it gets wayyyy to much to keep up with. This has happened to people in my classes
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by bubbly
hey! i’m in 9th/10th grade rn so my advice is to make sure that you know your way around the school and where you have to be and when!! also, don’t stress too much about grades, they don’t mean too much in middle school, just make sure you’re doing the best you can!! if you need help don’t be afraid to ask for a tutor, they are actually very helpful. make sure you have a reliable friend group to sit with at lunch and make sure not to get yourself into drama. also, join clubs! this may seem like a lot, but don’t be scared, middle school really isn’t too hard or scary once you get used to it
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Laelerbug
I'm in 7th rn and i was so scared too when i started 6th last year. It honestly isn't as terrible as it sounds. don't stress out about it. Just be yourself. You are not going to survive middle school if you worry about what other people think of you. People are more worried about if they look good, or if their breath smells bad, and things like that. if they don't love you for who you are then they can leave because i don't know you but i know that you are a great person
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Firecorn
So I am in 6th and let me say, TIME MANAGEMENT, LIVE IT BREATH IT, SLEEP IT. It helps so much!!!