funny thing happened at dnd...
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by _Theatre_
ok so heres how my dungeons and dragons campaign went last night. i'll use the first letter of names.
i'm p, the gay she-tiefling of the group.
my friend is t, a straight half-orc that was friends with penumbra. note the was.

*at the tavern hiding out*
T: P, can I... Talk to you about something?
P: Shoot.
T: Um, alone?
P: Uh, no. Tell me here or don't tell me. I don't think there's anything the whole group can't know
T: I... I can't. Can you at least step outside for a second?
P: It's literally pouring rain and the entire town is on magical green fire. And there's a bloodthirsty Lich at the door. *pause for effect* Okay, I'll go to that table for five minutes, but make it quick.
*walks over*
T: P, I need to be honest with you about this. I like you. A lot. I think I love you.
P: *wheeze* Have I not been saying the whole time that I'm lesbian? That was literally the first thing i ever told you, I said "Hi, I'm penumbra and I'm lesbian so back off". Am I not the most emocore lesbian you have ever met? Have I not fulfilled my gay duties?
T: Wait, what? I thought lesbian was a type of bread or like shoes or something! (yes he actually said this). Wait, what is lesbian?
P: *heightened gae wheezing*

DM: Ok T, roll a Charisma saving throw.

Me and T's player at the same time:
Me: WAIT WHAT no fair hes not going to charm P into being in love with him she's gay!
T: Wait did you just say saving throw

Rest of party: Literally on the ground laughing 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by llama1013
that sounds hilarious 😂😂