help for starting to sell bracelets?
5 years, 8 months ago by luvdisney
hey guys! i want to start selling bracelets but i’m not sure where to begin. i don’t know whether to sell on etsy or instagram or something like that, and i also don’t know where to start. how should i advertise? how much should i charge? how do i actually get people to buy from me lol? any help is appreciated : )
5 years, 8 months ago by Margaron
A lot of it depends on you. I don’t really know much about selling on Instagram specifically BUT you’re going to need to hustle on social media either way you sell. The upside of Etsy is that it’s an established place people go to for handmade goods already. But you’ll likely have to run social media anyways so if you don’t want the addition of figuring Etsy out then insta could be the way to go. Advertising will depend on you and your networking skills. Be on your social media everyday, ask your friends to follow you and repost some things like new items or a sale or deal etc. or just to post about your bracelets. Tell people in person that you sell and give them your links be it Etsy or insta or both. Interact with the people who follow and comment on your posts regularly. Follow people back. If someone comments or posts about getting their order repost about it and show potentially new customers that people enjoy your product.
5 years, 8 months ago by Margaron
Pricing will depend a lot on you and your supplies. How long does it take you to make a bracelet? How expensive is the thread you use? How much will it cost you to package and mail it? Are you making things to order or selling what you’ve already made? What is the average going price for items similar in quality and material? Is there a minimum wage where you live? As far as buying goes make sure you take good pictures, use natural lighting if you can. Though it may sound counter intuitive give a family member or friend a bracelet or two in exchange for a shoutout or review on their social media. Or if you have friends who already have some of your bracelets ask them if they’ll post pictures or a review- a ‘I’ve been wearing this ‘your store name here’ bracelet for months- think it’s time for a wash!’ Can hit people in their circle that may not be a part of yours.