Research Questions for Paper! (Not as boring as it sounds haha)
3 years, 11 months ago by kayleeflem
Hi everyone! I know that title seems really boring but hear me out 🙂
I am writing a paper for my English class about communities and I chose to write about BraceletBook since I have been a part of the community for a while and I think it's a very positive and diverse place.
I am just asking some questions to get an idea of the variety of people who use this website so if you could take the time to answer some questions that would be amazing! I have some moderator specific questions on here as well so if any moderators would like to give their input on those too, that would be amazing as well.


How old are you?
What gender do you identify as?
If you have a job, what is it?
How long have you been using BraceletBook?
How has your experience been using BraceletBook? Has it changed at all since you first joined?
Do you like or dislike the large size of the BraceletBook community? Why, or why not?
What is your favorite/least favorite aspect of BraceletBook?

How long have you been a moderator?
Do you enjoy the higher position of being a moderator and have you had any struggles with the position?

Thank you so much if you took the time to read this/answer the questions, you guys are helping me out so much!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by sadnymph
i’m 12, i identify as female, i’m unemployed but go to public school, i have been using braceletbook for around 6-9 months, my experience has been great because i have learned some valuable tips and made some great friends, i love that the community is always growing because we can create more together, my favourite aspects are submitting photos and creating my own patterns because it feels like i’m adding to the community, but my least favourite aspect is the political side. luckily i don’t really get involved.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by sadnymph
i hope your paper goes well!
3 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
I'm 23 years old.
I'm non-binary.
I'm currently in university to become a teacher.
I joined braceletbook 1 year and 4 month ago.
Braceletbook has definitely gotten more active and I love to see how much the community inspires each other.
At times I find it difficult that there are so many users because it is difficult to get information through to everyone for example the guidelines but I think it is also great that it is so big because people inspire each other. It's also nice that even if you are in a small fandom you might still find patterns for it because there are so many users from all over the world.
My favourite aspect about braceletbook is how creative everybody is and what a huge source of inspiration it is. My least favourite aspect is people getting into fights.

I've been a moderator since June 2020 and a supermoderator since January 2021.
I definitely enjoy it very much but it can be a little frustrating when you have to decline several patterns in a row because the user submitted unacceptable patterns because they didn't read the guidelines properly and didn't know these patterns wouldn't get accepted.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by msolympus
im 17
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by msolympus
whoops hit enter too early but I'm 17, nonbinary, during the summer I'm a camp counselor, I've been using bracelet book for about a year i think?, My experience has been overall positive! The only thing thats changed is my love for bracelets and the bracelet making community has grown! I love the large size of the community! The more people that are involved make it easier to find new techniques, make new friends, and build off of each others creativity! My least favorite aspect of braceletbook would be interacting with people of differing political ideologies.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by ALYSSACHIL
14, female, about a year, I really like bracelet book, the only thing I think has changed about it is how many political patterns there are😂 that’s really it though. I like the size of the community, you get to get inspiration from so many other people, meet others from all around the world, and get tips. My least favorite thing about bracelet book is that you can’t delete stuff without messaging a moderator.
3 years, 11 months ago by Erin_Jade
I'm 17
I'm female
I'm a barista
I've been using bracelet book for about a year and a half
My experience using bracelet book has been completely positive and I love how everyone is always supportive of each other! I don't think that the dynamic has changed much since I started.
I love the large size of the community because there is always so much inspiration and you can easily connect with people from around the world.
My least favourite aspect would be the negativity that sometimes happens during interactions.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Vivi07
I’m 13, I’m female, no job but go to school, since October, really great! The pattern selection is amazing, the people on here are amazing! I don’t think its changed that much since i joined, i Like the large community because there is a diverse range of people from around the world, dont dislike anything about BraceletBook.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Brooke1683
I don’t really prefer to answer my age. Female. Almost a year I’ve been using bb. I love BB I’ve learned how to make better bracelets using it. I like having lots of people use BB because then If I want to make a pattern more people have posted photos and made it so I can see the final product and I like talking to people in the chat. I LOVE the challenge forum. I also like the app because sits less glitched but the website is easier to use.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Brooke1683
But I will say I am 10-14 years old
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by plant-dad
I’m 15, I identify as male, I’m unemployed but I go to school, I have been using braceletbook for a little over a year, and my experience using braceletbook have been good! It hasn’t changed a whole lot since I joined (just some extra political stuff) and I actually like the large size of bb! It makes it very easy to connect with other people that share the same interests as you! My favorite aspect would have to be all of the amazing mods that make bb a better place! My least favorite would be just rude people in general and all of the fighting over patterns.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by GenMalucci
I don’t share my age but I’m in my mid teens. I am female. I work as a babysitter and private lifeguard. I have been using braceletbook for a very long time, but I got an account a couple months ago. My experience has been pretty good, I have gotten some hate for what I believe in and in personal message. But it’s been pretty good. The size is not super huge compared to other social apps, I like it because I am able to sift through all of the new photos and patterns without it being overwhelming. My favorite part is that I can use a simple code to get the pattern I want and I don’t have to freehand patterns as much. My least favorite is when people try to get me to believe something other than my religion or beliefs, so it isn’t gonna change my mind, so don’t try lol. On the whole, bracelet Book is a pretty neat app/website.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by shikisoku
I’m a non-binary femme in my mid-30s.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by shikisoku
Oops, sorry, hit reply too quickly!
I'm a non-binary femme in my mid-30s.
I'm a teacher.
I've been using BraceletBook for just over a year. At first I was using it just to research patterns, but now I'm trying to contribute a little more to the community.
I don't dislike the large size of the community, but it does seem to skew younger, and I don't think it's appropriate for me as an older person to get involved socially.
It does annoy me when patterns are up or down voted based on religion or politics - but again, it's not my business, and I'm glad that the forums can be a space for these discussions.
Instead, I'd like to contribute technically, helping provide photos of bracelets and inspiration/advice on knotting for others.
I've learned a lot and improved my bracelets from younger people on here, and I want to help others learn too.
3 years, 11 months ago by MoonShad0w
How old are you? Age range from 14-20
What gender do you identify as? Female
If you have a job, what is it? Fast Food
How long have you been using BraceletBook? 1 year roughly
How has your experience been using BraceletBook? Has it changed at all since you first joined? It has changed a lot, and I love this community
Do you like or dislike the large size of the BraceletBook community? Why, or why not? I like it, you get different opinions and people to talk to and get feedback from.
What is your favorite/least favorite aspect of BraceletBook? The people who come on here to troll, or the people who take up the chat and demean others.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by workmanha
How old are you?
What gender do you identify as?
If you have a job, what is it?
How long have you been using BraceletBook?
How has your experience been using BraceletBook? Has it changed at all since you first joined?
Do you like or dislike the large size of the BraceletBook community? Why, or why not?
What is your favorite/least favorite aspect of BraceletBook?

I am almost 16 years old.
I am female.
I do not have a job but hope to soon!
I have been using braceletbook for about 9 months.
I love using braceletbook! I has definitely grown since I have started it!
I love how much the community has grown! I like it because when I need help or someone to talk to not just one person is there for you, there are several!
My favorite part about Bracelet book is that everyone is sooooo friendly and helpful. I love that we can talk about issues that are serious and not be judged ot put down. I love that the moderators work so hard to keep the site safe for all ages and make the environment enjoyable!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Celery29
- I am 17 years old
- I identify as female
- I work as a counselor at a Girl Scout camp during the summer
- I have been using BraceletBook for about a year now
- My experience has been consistently wonderful
- I like how large the BraceletBook community is. It is nice to have so many people to be able to connect to.
- My favorite aspect about BraceletBook is how much variation there is, both in the content there is and the people who use and provide it.
3 years, 11 months ago by arf820
hey! i'd love to answer your questions.
- i am 17 years old
- i am a woman (she/they pronouns)
- i do not have a job, though i am a full-time high school senior and will be going to college in the fall.
- i have been using bracelet book since august of 2019, but i only became a daily user in march of 2020, when covid hit.
- i absolutely love bracelet book and its community. my experience has changed after i became more active because when i started really participating and engaging with everything that bracelet book has to offer, i learned so much not only about bracelets but also myself as a member and leader/moderator of the community.
- i think bracelet book has a really good size because it is a tight-knit community, connected by our passion of making bracelets. as an introverted person, i usually dislike larger social settings, both online and in person, but with the size that bracelet book is now, i have no problem with taking risks and actively connecting with other people from around the globe.
- my favorite aspect of bracelet book is the community and the features (notably the pattern generator, the forums, and the tens of thousands of patterns in the database) it has to offer. my least favorite aspect of bracelet book is the occasional fights that happen in comments sections, private messages, chat, and forums about various issues political or not, but these fights are pretty inevitable especially on the internet.

- i have been a moderator since august of 2020, before i turned 17.
- i really enjoy being a moderator and having a leadership position within the community. i have had struggles with the position because it is sometimes really difficult dealing with users who are not following the guidelines, whether they are submitting content that do not meet the review guidelines or they are cyberbullying other users. luckily, the other moderators and the admin are supportive and helpful with these situations, and i am always comfortable issuing a report about a user, submitting an idea, or asking a question in our mod chat.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by riley_fxX
How old are you? 14
What gender do you identify as? Female
If you have a job, what is it?nope
How long have you been using BraceletBook? Some aamounr of months
How has your experience been using BraceletBook? Has it changed at all since you first joined? Yeah 4 sure
Do you like or dislike the large size of the BraceletBook community? Why, or why not? I’d prefer a smaller community j so that everyone knows each other
What is your favorite/least favorite aspect of BraceletBook? The rednecks lmao