Girls ONLY!!!! page 2
3 years, 9 months ago by Scavenged
@llama1013 I'm good now!! we got me on some medicine and birth control so now my body no longer does that. in fact, now my periods are so light i can use a liner as a pad for the whole day. some days i dont even have to wear a liner as long as i go to the bathroom often enough. we got my hormones under control thankfully so now im doing great!! minimal cramping too, and i dont have severe mood swings either what that was was NOT okay and like i said if you take stuff for the pain and it doesnt help you need to see someone because thats not normal :/ it could mean a number of things. my mom said it was normal because she had really bad cramps (turns out she had a fibroidic tumor in her 🙂 lovely lol and also something else that caused spots on her uterus/ovaries but i forget the name) so to her what i was describing was just getting sick (which happens to a lot of people) and just some cramps. she got help for her cramps soon after i did and had the tumor removed and is on medicine for her other thing. education. is. important. lol she had a tumor growing in her and didnt think anything of it, thats why you hear about those stories where peoples appendix ruptures and people dont get help because they think its just some severe cramps. its not okay??? @Scavenged that's crazy. I hope you're doing okay now, that sounds super scary!! and I agree, better education is really really needed. I don't understand why anyone would say that's normal?? like if you knew what a period was you wouldn't say that's normal?? again I really hope you're doing better!! |
3 years, 9 months ago by Scavenged
whoops i forgot to delete the bottom lol i do that so i make sure i read everything before answering since the website doesnt let you see others messages on the forums when writing your own
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by HelloooIts
@Idkkkkkthats a serious symptom of low-iron. you should really get that checked, bc although it doesnt sound that bad, it can have serious impact on your life |
3 years, 9 months ago by Idkkkkk
@HelloooIts really? what impacts would it have? I’m still a teenager. I’m 15. So i get that periods in my age can be irregular. But i go to my doctor once a year to check my blood. They check for what vitamins i’m missing and for celiac disease. I got my blood done last fall. But a month ago, i went to my doctor again. My stomach issues have impacted my life so much. So we decided to just check what vitamins i’m missing, a gene test for celiac disease and a blood test for celiac disease. I’m missing some vitamins in my body but i take vitamins everyday so that should be okay. I don’t know if low iron would show up on the blood test? and if low iron can show up on vitamin-checking blood tests, it didn’t show up on mine. I am going to the hospital some time this year to check my stomach issues. But i don’t think it’s related. I’m also loosing weight, and i did have my period when i was 17 pounds heavier. I’m not starving myself either. I’m eating normal just that i eat smaller meals and watch what i eat. So i don’t know what it is. I really got my blood tested literally a month ago
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by HelloooIts
my best friend had/has low iron. her symptom was that her period was 2 months (theyre both symptoms, basically your period being weird is one)she felt like she was gonna faint a lot, fainted a couple of times, was tired all the time and now she has to sleep at 8pm everyday to get it back to normal and eat a lot of food with iron. for as far as i know theyre not vitamins and idk what kind of things it could do, but if you fainted and fell and died or something i guess thats dangerous but it might not be that, especially if you got your blood checked also losing a lot of weight can also be the cause, but then idrk what you should do. eating probably |
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Books4Ever
WOW now I feel bad for complaining about my period. Y’all have way worse then me. To some of you who have really really bad cramps have you heard of endometriosis? It is where you also have internal bleeding. And that also causes bad cramps. I’m not entirely sure but you can go look it up.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by llama1013
@Scavenged good! I’m glad both you and your mom are doing better!! and yes I’ve heard those stories too and it’s so sad and frustrating. I’m thankful it’s slowly becoming more accepted for people to talk about
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by llama1013
@Idkkkkk I agree with @HelloooIts . one of my best friends was just diagnosed with anemia (iron deficiency), and one of her major symptoms is that her period has been absent for a while now, and when it did come back it would be either super light or super heavy, and then it would go away again. she went to the doctor for that same problem many times, and they didn’t catch the iron problem until just recently. (i’m not sure if it’s easily missed but it’s possible, that’s what happened in her situation). I think you should get it checked out, because it’s important that your body is producing and maintaining the correct amount of iron. periods play a huge role in that. I’m not saying it’s an emergency, but I really think you should get that checked out asap
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by AwesomeGrl
honestly that happens to a lot of my friends, but i literally feel nothing when i get my period. My friends usually drink warm water or put something warm on their stomach, and i think trying to distract yourself from it may help a bit as well (watch a show, read a book, play a game, etc.)Hope this helps! |
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by workmanha
@Idkkkkk Ok so my mom went through something like this and there was nothing wrong with her (not saying it is the same for you). She said that once it came back it was really off and never on schedule until she got pregnant and then after that it came pretty regularly. So yeah
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by allyson606
you're not alone, when this happens i use a heating pad and lay in a L shape against the wall (Like my feet and legs up against the wall and my back on the bed/floor) ❤️ ❤️ Drink lots of water too!
3 years, 9 months ago by FroggyLegs
i recommend using a period app because it tells you when ur expecting to have it so it wont come as a surprise
3 years, 9 months ago by FroggyLegs
am i the only one who gets super emotional during their period? i cried today because i looked at a bracelet pattern that had a frog in it like huh ???
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Books4Ever
@FroggyLegs I have the same thing! It’s really annoying
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by JBanana
i have bad periods cramp and i know its a weird tip, but i eat chocolate and it helps for a few minutes or i just stay in my bed because it hurts too bad 😜
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by JBanana
@FroggyLegs omg me too but its the 2 days before my periods so its a good way to know it'll start soon 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Nanna_Ozzy
Yeah I get that! Also due to a health condition that I have. (Vasovagal syncope) I feel like I’m going to pass out all day. Normally the light headed feeling goes away by the third day.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by miagrace
guys help. im 14 and still havent gotten my period. all my friends around me have it and i have all the “symptoms” if u want to call it that for getting it SUPER soon. help me plz
3 years, 9 months ago by mhfw04
Hello! I had my first period almost 5 years ago so I know some things 😂 I have definitely had those days when I wanted to curl up in a ball and not do ANYTHING! There is one thing that has helped the most for me, and that you should stay active! I suggest getting exercise every day is a good thing, not only for your health but it makes cramps much more bearable and it even can make you flow lighter (at least for me that works). While on your period, stay away from junk foods like chocolate, soda, cake, etc., and drink LOTS OF WATER!!!!!! I MEAN A LOT OF WATER. I drink around 64 oz a day of water. I really hope this helps, and if it still is really bad, tell a parent or guardian or your family doctor. Just know that you are never the only one! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ |
3 years, 9 months ago by mhfw04
@miagrace First of all, I am so jealous and you should be thankful that you haven't yet 😂 . it's totally normal to be 14 and still not have your period.( most likely some of your female family members went through the same thing!) I would just have a talk with a girl that you are close to about it, just so they might help you out and prepare you for it! (you can ask your mom, sister, aunt, girl cousin, even a friend or a teacher). I would construct a period emergency bag, which you can put pads, a pain reliever, an extra set of underwear, and some candy or something so when it does happen, you are prepared!I know this is a long way away, but if you haven't started by the age of 16, contact a doctor, but you don't have to worry about that right now! I hope this helps! |