🌲🌲🌲🌲Karen’s in the wild 🌲 🌲🌲🌲 page 2
3 years, 9 months ago by Hanners
Me and my family were visiting Colorado for Christmas break to go ski... When we got there we left our hotel rooms and got in the car to drive to the ski resort. When we got there we go into the lodge and immediately all of us realized we forgot our masks 😬 usually my mom brings a bunch of backup just in case but she forgot them too! 🤦‍♀️ so we put our shirts over our mouths hoping that’s enough when, almost instantly, we hear a HORRIBLE scream followed by rapid yelling... we turn around and there’s an old lady screeching at us (which is understandable) but she wasn’t the Karen... the Karen hasn’t yet showed up yet (the old lady was probably a cover). So we quickly apologize and go up to the front desk and ask if they have extra masks... the lady’s back is turned, when suddenly she turns around... we recognize her facial expressions immediately 😳 a wild Karen! She viciously glared at us and said they had no masks. She then snapped her fingers... Two more Karens came out immediately! Together, all 3 of them start yelling at us about bringing our own mask, and what type of bogus world we lived in 😂 we immediately start walking back to the car, with them following us the whole time yelling 😰 even the old lady came up and joined in! It wasn’t long before they started using swear words and not-nice names 😬 we quickly hop in the car and close the doors, by the yelling is so loud you can hear it regardless... As we drove off the Karens flip us off and shake their fists at us 😳 We decided never to go back to that place, for who knows what could’ve happened, I mean, I’m pretty sure we were lucky to leave with our lives 😅 although I still have nightmares of it to this day...
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Yellowfang
@Hanners let me just say, I am definitely not old enough to say rally bad words. But I would bring HELL down on them and cuss like I’ve here freaking cuss before 😂. I’m talking bad. I would prob be scowled by my parents but I’d walk out if there SOOO smug.
3 years, 9 months ago by fnafislife
My brother was riding his bike with his friend and this girl came up to him and said "iTs a SiDeWaLk nOt a RiDeWaLk" and he said "yeah, whatever Karen" and the girl says "funny you say that, my name is Karen" and he gave her the birdie and biked away 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by scarhead12
Ok so I was at a place called Calico which is a ghost town. We were walking around with no masks on because there weren't many people and we were walking down a trail and Karen goes "Ok, but I really appreciate the space, its been a year and you still aren't wearing masks." And my dad said "Look lady, It's really windy and there aren't many people so deal with it." (No joke he actually said deal with it 😂) Afterward I was thinking "Bruh u want space?? ok then, move back 3 feet." There was a lot of room on the trail.
3 years, 9 months ago by Rune
I'm trans and i was looking in the mens section, and someone came up to me and asked if i was looking for my boyfriend, and that she was looking for her husband. i had to explain to her i was shopping for myself and that i had a girlfriend. THE LOOK ON HER FACE!!! she looked like she was gonna pop. she started going off on a tangent about how kids these days do everything they can to stick out and be snowflakes and i tried to get her to stop by walking away but she FOLLOWED me and said i was rude for walking off on her and she harassed me and started even yelling that these werent my clothes to wear, the ones i was gonna buy, and tried to take them out of my arms. i didnt know what to do so i pushed her off of me because she was literally clawing at my arms and she dramatically fell backwards and started yelling at me, cursing at me and saying i was a horrible person for pushing her and that the cops should be called on me

luckily, im a senior and i have a lot of friends who work at this walmart, and it wasnt my friend specifically who was working that day but someone i had interacted with a few times because he was friends with mine and he apologized and told me that she was a regular and was constantly starting things up there and escorted me away lol im glad i got away but i still wonder what happened to her
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by mstro23
I was at a basketball game and then while we were playing the game out of no where the "Karen" just starts arguing with my coach. I don't know how it started but it was crazy. I was really young at the time so I just couldn't hold in my laugh when she started getting mad at him. I think she started yelling at my coach because they were losing. 😂 She was yelling at the kids on her team because they were tired. I think we were in 5th grade. 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
I went to an antique shop near our house to look and see if they had something. I have issues breathing with a mask on, so I kind of scoot away from everyone so I can take in some oxygen before I pass out. I started to feel kind of woozy and like I needed actual air so I wouldn’t get dizzy and pass out, so I went to another (EMPTY) isle in the store and took the mask off for a second to breathe, after a minute of actual air I put it back on, but the Karen had spotted me. (Most people just walk by and don’t care) and she said over the store speaker, like the announcement one, “PLEASE KEEP YOUR MASKS ON AT ALL TIMES!” Like lady, chill, it’s on. But since I was there for like hours, I had to take it off again to breathe for a second, the Karen caught me and again spoke over the speaker “PLEASE KEEP YOUR MASK ON AT ALL TIMES” and she came up to me with a thing of disposable masks, when I put mine back on she hurried back to the desk. Then her Karen friend followed me around the store for the rest of the time carrying a thing of disposable masks....
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Yellowfang
@GenMalucci 😲 freaking meanies
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@Yellowfang ikr, next time I’ll pass out and they can call 911
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by mstro23
There was also this one time where we had to have someone to watch my brother and I get on the bus with a whole lot of other kids. She was crazy about wearing masks. One time she got mad at me for blowing my nose! She also got mad at my friend for putting on lipstick and got mad at my brother for trying to tell me something. One day I was at track and my brother had to sit in the office because my mom didn’t want him by the Karen and he said to the Karen he needed to go to the office but while he was going to the office the Karen started chasing him around my school! It was not good.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by sprinklez
I was at the grocery store and it had no signs that said to wear a mask. Now walking in crutches is wayyy more exerting than not using crutches, and it was after an outside conditioning practice at gymnastics and it was hot outside, AND I have blood sugar problems, so due to all those I was already dizzy. And I didn’t even have a mask on yet! So seeing no mask signs, I walked in without one hoping to get my stuff and avoid passing out. And I was doing my business getting some stuff I needed, and I was having blood sugar problems so I sat down (lol on the grocery isle floor) so I didn’t fall and hit my head. I put my head in between my knees to get blood to my head. ( I still didn’t have my mask on because there was no “wear a mask” sign and I was boutta pass out) and the employee Karen comes walking down the aisle. And she does a double take at my no mask and then starts SCREECHING. Not “are you ok m’am?”, because I looked very obviously sick. But no she was like, “ PUT YOUR MASK ON DIDNT YOU SEE THE SIGNS THAT SAID SO ARE YOU BLIND?!!!” And I brought my head up and looked at her, because remember, my head was between my knees, and I said “I didn’t see any when I walked in!” And then she went on to remark how ignorant I was, because there was a sign NOT ON THE FRONT OF THE STORE, but facing the back where you can’t even see it when you walked in only when you walked out🤦‍♀️ . I just tried my best to stand up, while the world was spinning round and round and my vision was slowly blacking out, and I was like “ excuse me” and walked past her out of the store. I didn’t leave behind a cart or anything which was nice because I hadn’t gotten to the point of getting anything yet. And I went into my friends car who was waiting for me and ate a granola bar to help my blood sugar😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by akanel
my moms name is Caryn so it’s kinda inevitable. so i told her i was lonely and that’s why i tried to kms and she just goes in my phone and blocks all my friends contacts so i can’t talk to them anymore
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by _Theatre_
tw- lots of misgendering and not being covid safe

Twas a few weeks before the second wave of COVID, and my friend (I'll call him Gaston because privacy lol) and I had bought heavy-duty masks and were biking down to the local ice cream shack on the beach. Gaston, who had recently dyed his hair pink and bought himself some .+*glitter*+. nail polish, and I, who had recently donated my hair and had a pixie cut, biked over, locked up our bikes, and got ready to buy ice cream. We finally reached the front of the line and decided on Raspberry Slushies when we saw her: maybe 20 or 30 (aka much to old to be working a high schoolers job) and trying in vain to hide her youth with excessive amounts of makeup, there was our Karen. She was wearing her mask on her chin like some kind of face diaper, and was wearing no gloves. She gave Gaston and I a fake smile and asked me what me and my girlfriend wanted. I pointed out that Gaston was a gay dude, so she gave an offhanded apology to Gaston and asked him what he and his boyfriend wanted. He said that I was a girl and that she should keep her mask up, when she said "Ugh I have a disability like myob ok kid?" She ended up giving us the wrong items for a higher price then said on the menu. The end.

(lol but legit this was kind of funny 😊 gaston and i didn't take any offense, as this is the natural behavior of the wild karen and it was expected of her.)