Contagious Kindness (New post) page 4
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Stitched
@Fluff_Fox Thank you! 😊 ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Stitched
@Aspen14 - You're so sweet and helpful! And your 8-bit patterns are AMAZING! @Firecorn - You're super thoughtful and kind to everyone! And your photos are phenomenal! @lilybooLDS - You're really encouraging, and very fun to talk with! ❤️ Thank you guys so much for everything you do! ❤️ |
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Firecorn
@Stitched thank you! You have made my day! So I guess that I will make some others happy!@ananya123 you a so kind and your keychains look phenomenal! @-Nobody- your posts make me feel warm when I need it! You make this a better place! @Love_Fox I love your forum posts and your variations have epic colors! ❤️ |
3 years, 11 months ago by madeleine_
@-Nobody- Thank you!!!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by workmanha
"I just thought of a way we can brighten someone's day. If you want to participate, find 𝗧𝗛𝗥𝗘𝗘 people to tag. I switched it up, now tag 3 people! Put their usernames below and tell them how important they are. If you get tagged, try to respond, choosing 𝗧𝗛𝗥𝗘𝗘 more people to spread kindness to. ❤️ If you want, you can copy and paste this above your message so they know why you tagged them."@-Nobody- You are soooo kind and you were the first person on bb that I was just like wow...goals! @krazyknots You were also one of the first people on bb that I looked up to! You do soooo much for this site and one day I hope too achieve what you have when it comes to bracelets. Also I absolutely love your patterns...they are always soooo cute! @Racoon I know you probably won't see this but you have taught me sooo much over these last few months. I love watching your videos! |
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by -Nobody-
in conclusion to my other post, I would like to thank @fuzzyfox @fuzzyfox you were there when I was having a huge mental breakdown with my sister. You were really nice to me and I truly appreciate it. I know that if I am having those problems again then I could go to you. You are an amazing person and are truly someone special. Thank you so much! You've helped me with more than you know and words cannot express how grateful I am to have met someone like you! Thank you! |
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by fuzzyfox
I am sorry but three won't do! 😂 @_Cheese_ Ayyy cheese! you are a sweet, friendly person and I also enjoy chatting with you! I know I can count on you to cheer me up or share a good crochet pattern. 😉 👍 @urabish You are smart and kind and funny, I think you are an amazing girl. And my opinion is the only one that matters so don't let anyone tell you that you are not a star 😂 ❤️ (lol, seriously tho ❤️) @loopAloop pattern buddy! Always ready to help someone in need out. Thanks so much for being there for everyone! ❤️ @kmmorell you are kind and caring, thank you for all your little bursts of encouragement! ❤️ @GenMalucci Thanks for all the help calming down the chat after an argument or being kind to people who need it. ❤️ @alissaruth you are amazing and I think the world of you! Keep going sister, you are doing great! 🎉 ❤️ @meese Lookee here! A wild meese! 😂 Thanks for all the chit chatting, and for being a thickening exercise to my thin patience ( jk-but really, I like ya, kid). 😂 Can always count on you for a "hi." or an "mmm". 😏 And thanks to @chiquis @Emaleee and @suskiddy for all the laughs in the chat. Y'all are whoots! 😂 |
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by GenMalucci
@fuzzyfox awwww, you’re fantastic too!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by _Cheese_
@fuzzyfox🙀🤗 Thank you so much, crochet buddy!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by alissaruth
@fuzzyfox thank you so much!! you dont know how much that means to me!! youre so amazing ❤️ ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by loopAloop
@fuzzyfox Thank you (glad I could help 😊 )!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by urabish
@fuzzyfox aww, you are actually the sweetest person i have ever met, thank you ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by GenMalucci
I might need more than three 😂. First: @madknots you are so helpful and kind, and always fun to talk to! So thank you for that! @_Cheese_ You are so funny and enjoyable to talk to! And your dog is adorable! You are so kind, thanks! @kmmorell When I was down, you made me realize that I didn’t have to be sad over it, and I’m so grateful that you helped me! Thank you for being a good support! @Love_Fox I don’t think enough people realize that you help so much! You helped me recover and I’m so thankful for that, in a lot of ways you saved me, and I don’t even know you in real life! I hope that one day you can see your brother again, I understand your pain and thank you so much! @Jdoy12525 Even when I asked for like four patterns you got them out quickly, and you are super nice, thank you! I hope you have a wonderful day! @HelloooIts You are so fun to talk to, and you can hold a reasonable debate with me! Haha, thank you for listening and offering your Dutch knowledge to me!
3 years, 11 months ago by izzbee_26
Aww thanks! You are so kind and I love your videos/ content and I just want to give a shoutout to all of the mods and especially to @krazyknots and @halokiwi (our super mods) you mods do so much for the braceletbook community and you are the best! 😍 ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by kmmorell
@GenMalucci awww im so glad i could help!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by kmmorell
"I just thought of a way we can brighten someone's day. If you want to participate, find 𝗧𝗛𝗥𝗘𝗘 people to tag. I switched it up, now tag 3 people! Put their usernames below and tell them how important they are. If you get tagged, try to respond, choosing 𝗧𝗛𝗥𝗘𝗘 more people to spread kindness to. ❤️ If you want, you can copy and paste this above your message so they know why you tagged them."I want to thank @CakeCup They have always been there to talk to even if they were in school I could tag them in chat and they would be there within minutes. They are supportive, super funny, great and just an amazing person in general! I love out stupid debates over that stupid algebra question (im right btw) @Love_Fox I come onto the chat just watching the conversations sometimes, and sometimes im conversing with people. I usually come on here after a stressful day ready to just socialize. Thank you so much for putting those kind messages in the chat reminding me and everyone else that kindness and love really does exist. It really means a lot @GenMalucci I know life is dumb and rough sometimes, or a lot of the time, but you are needed, and you can get through anything, thank you for trusting me with everything and allowing me to give you advice @shyc18 Thanks for always being there, and talking to me, sometimes i feel like i went through crap and back for no reason, but I love helping you and giving you advice! @sama123 Thank you for being up to a great in depth conversation! I needed to rant and you were up to listening! @HannahB04 You and I ranted about height and optimal height! LOL. thanks for making me laugh that night There's a ton more people, but just wanted to say thank you to everyone in the chat who has listened to my many... many.... many rants. I love this community and all the people in it! |
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by GenMalucci
@kmmorell that was so sweet! You are truly amazing! 😊
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by shyc18
I just thought of a way we can brighten someone's day. If you want to participate, find 𝗧𝗛𝗥𝗘𝗘 people to tag. I switched it up, now tag 3 people! Put their usernames below and tell them how important they are. If you get tagged, try to respond, choosing 𝗧𝗛𝗥𝗘𝗘 more people to spread kindness to. ❤️ If you want, you can copy and paste this above your message so they know why you tagged them."@ kmmorell thank you for always helping me and giving me advice. Your the best and I hope you know that you can come to me when you need help or advice I would love to return the favors that you have given me you are a great friend. @ luckdog13 hey bro I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you and I love you bro yo7 are so sweet and amazing I am so glade I found a friend like you that I you for always being there for me. I hope one day we can hangout and do a lot of fun things together. @ Galaxy_Gal hey bestieeeee I just wanted to let you know that I love you and I can’t believe that we are besties. You are so sweet and amazing and I can’t wait till I can actually meet you and do a lot of fun things with you maybe when we get older we can go shopping and hangout a lot. |
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by shyc18
@Galaxy_Gal 3rd @luckdog13 2cnd @kmmorell 1st ^^^^^^^ Y’all are the best sorry you kinda will have to find your name I aciddintky put a space in between Y’all’s naked I’m really sorry I put where y’all can find y’all’s names in for the number if sentence |
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by kmmorell
@Poodle Thanks for making me smile in the chat today! Your positivity spreads a long way!@HelloooIts Remember that one time you Shouty CAPPED at me in the chat about minecraft?!? lol. that was fun, so thanks for making that day better! You are so easy to talk to! |