3 years, 10 months ago by billy_bob6
I LOVE funny/ironic stories so if you have any to share it would be great
Thx!! 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by Elise64
Sooooo I changed my name on my home google account to puppy love. I logged into a class the next day. I FORGOT that I had changed my name and logged in with my home account, then everyone said who’s puppy love?? I was so embarrassed lmao 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by juliana_e
Last week I was taking my dog outside to us the bathroom and I would say I was outside for about ten min and a bird flu past me and the claws touched my head. The funny thing is that my bro saw the bird 😂
I don’t know if this is funny but afterwards me and my bro were laughing 😆
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Brooke1683
I once was in kindergarten and I wasn’t feeling good at ouch and ate some oreos and as soon as we left I was going to puke and I puked all over our reading teachers door and she just opened the door right after and nearly vomited! 😂😂😂😂😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by ChaosZone
So one time when I was like 7 or something I was walking around on this beach place with my grandparents and brother. There was some kinda dock thingy (i don't remember it that well) with all these birds on it. So we went onto the dock thing and as we got closer, I saw that there were REALLY big birds. I think they might have been pelicans. Anyhoo, we got real close and as we did, my grandfather said "oh look! There's several of them" And, being really young, I had no idea what the word several meant, (I didn't know it was a word at all) so I assumed he said seven and I heard him wrong. So then I counted them up and I was like "NO, there's FIVE"
And it was not funny at all at the time, cause I didn't get it, but like I know that word, so the fact that I assumed he said it wrong is hilarious because he totally didn't 😂 😂 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by IzzyG21
Ok so I already told mine in the forum called "Karens int the wild" but anyway hope you enjoy 🙂:

So my nana put up a BLM sign on her lawn and it wasn't bothering anyone other than her neighbor. The next day this woman walks up to my nana's door and tells her to take in down, but my nana says no because that is what she believes in and it is here lawn and property. So then my nana and the person next door were about to throw hands am I wasn't ready to see that so I told her to leave and go home so she did. But then the next day she puts up a women for trump sign lmao. The best part of this story is that her actual name was Karen LMAO.

Lmao hope you enjoyed my funny/annoying story about a legit Karen. Have an amazing day ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by awesomelgk
One year at the beach, with grandparents, aunt, and a few others, we were sitting on the screen porch. But, little did my grandad or grandmother know there was a whoopee cushion under one of the seats, put by my aunt. So, grandad sits down and... *Cue very long fart sound*. My grandad is confused, but my grandmother is getting mad at my grandad like he's a little child, scolding him like he actually farted! So my aunt had to reveal herself but that whoopee cushion was a lot of fun for the rest of the trip 😄 😂 😂
3 years, 9 months ago by reneehabit
This is probably only funny to me, but when I was in 6th grade we were playing Volleyball for P.e. love it, one of the only sports im good at. Well, I go to dive, because I was the only person to ever dive for the ball because i really didnt care if I got hurt or not. The kid in fron of me decides to go out of his position into mine to try and save the ball, I fell, he tripped on me and then fell on top of me, and I ended up with a minor concussion and floor burn(aka chafing, skinning and rug burn) on my legs. Got to get out of school for the day though! 🎉
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Penguin388
So when I was in first grade we were learning about words, specifically words that start and end with things like sh or ing or it. (You probably know where this is going 😅) . So being a first grader I had the brilliant idea to put sh and it together. And long story short my teacher was extremely mad at me and I almost got sent to the office😳😂.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
One time I was reading a book in the morning and something thwaped loudly against the window. I looked up, nothing. So I kept reading. Yet again there was a huge THWAP against the window, and I was like “What the..” and so I sat there watching the window for a second when a pigeon FLEW INTO THE WINDOW. I got all worried cause I live animals but it literally fell to the ground. Waited a sec, got back up and flew into the window again. I scared it off pretty quickly so I could read again but afterwards I was laughing so hard. One time me and my brother got let home alone and this rando started walking through our yard, so we suspiciously stared at him until he left. (Don’t judge, we were 6 and 8.) one time I was taking care of my sheep and getting them to the smaller pasture, and some random guy came up (I think he was the neighbor down the street) and he walked into our yard and went “I shot a raccoon 7 times and she still ain’t dead” he’s took a deep breath and held up the gun in his hand “Have a good day.” And he walked off.
3 years, 8 months ago by soka_snips
One time I was hanging out on a coast trip with friends and we were eating on the beach and a seagull pooped on me. Sooo not fun. I can laugh at it now tho!😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Brooke1683
These are all hilarious
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by blahblah11
@juliana_e that same thing happened to me! My main google account name was something cringey because I made it when I was like 7 so it was like dolphin lover or something like that, one time I was in school logging into a website we needed to go onto and I had to enter my account and it showed the different accounts that i could choose from then at that moment some boy walks by and he’s liked WhOs DoLpHiN lOvEr (or whatever it was called) and I got so embarrassed. I still use that account because it’s the account I use to sign into everything, but I luckily changed the name (idk what it was called but it had to do with (animal) lover, but at that age I was obsessed with dolphins so it probably was dolphin lover, Idk I changed the name like 2 years ago.
3 years, 8 months ago by fnafislife
This isn't really a story, but for come reason I ask my family if I can tell them something and they say "no" as a joke 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Clrowi
My kids and I were walking under a tree when we realized it was *full* of birds and I commented how I'd never been pooped on by a bird...

Two steps later, and I got pooped on. 😂
3 years, 8 months ago by Abigai
I was trying to make my mom laugh- she was upset and it was in the streets i was trying to dance rly weird, and It was working! And a man calls out-“ that was the greatest laugh of my laugh I’m going to replay that video!” Like creeppp
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Spinner_10
@Abigai haha
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Elise64
@Penguin388 omg that’s so funny, something similar happened to me. I was coming up with words that rhymed with itchy and guess what I ended up saying! 😂 idk what else rhymes with itchy tho or I just can’t think rn, maybe I was rhyming it with itch.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Elise64
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by GenMalucci
@Elise64 yeah, it was really odd, and I was signing too, so extra embarrassing