I need advice!
3 years, 11 months ago by Himani6204
So here how it starts... (names not real)

I used to be friends with a girl named Polly, Emma, and Leela. 😛 But Polly used to make me do things I didn't like! 😢 One day I told her that I wouldn't do those things anymore then she got mad at me 😤! This wasn't really a problem until she wouldn't let Emma and Leela talk to me and they wouldn't let them be my friends anymore! Now I don't have any friends to talk to! 😭 Due to this, I can't talk to anyone about this! 😭 🤯 And it's really hard to make friends in middle school where everybody has their own friends! What should I do now? 😢
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Firecorn
Ok, this is what you do: you need to go up to Polly, stand your ground, and firmly (I’d raise my voice if I were you) tell her that what she is doing is not ok, she can’t just make two people stop being friends with you. If there is a day Polly isn’t there I’d go over and ask the other two if they still want to be friends, then just hang with them and when Polly is back just keep playing with them so that she can’t tell them what to do anymore
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by isnoe2305
Emma and Leela are really your friends?
I consider that if they were truly your friends they would not stop talking to you because they know you and they know the type of person you are.
My point of view is that they are not your friends and you should not go back there because it would hurt you a lot physically and emotionally. If you go to face-to-face classes I think you can find someone to talk to, something similar happened to me in 1st year of secondary school and thanks to that I found a very nice friendship group.
do not fall for this because you may find a very nice friendship with other people.
If you really want to save this friendship, talk to Emma and read it.
I'm sorry if I said something that is not (was what I understood)
I'm sorry if I was very rude.
have a nice day ☀🌈
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by kmmorell
I can relate. Had a person come between me and my ex-friends. Realized that they weren't people i wanted to be around anymore, and left them, and wouldn't trade them for the current friends i have rn.

Emma and Leela don't really sound like royal friends, and I suggest just moving one. If they are willing to listen to another person and willing to ruin their relationships with you, then most likely down the road they won't stand up for you when you really need it.
Sometimes being a lone temporarily is better than being surrounded by toxic "friends" that will switch their loyalties all the time. I know in middle school everyone seems like they have their friend groups, but you can make new friends. I know it probably really sucks, and it probably really does... but I know from my experience that it's better off just to leave them. You are going to make a lot of friends and you are going to lose a lot of friends, and that's ok... because you will find who your type of person you want as a best friend and you'll find all those two-headed-snakes. 😂 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by kmmorell
I know a lot of people are probably like "Just ask them about it"... but most likely they won't change, and even if they recongize what tey weere doing and what polly or whoeever was doing, most likely things won't change. it'll be strained and you'll always remember that, that event came between you. You will always have second doubts and all that. Trust me.. i asked for my ex-bsf to come back, and im here right now telling you DO NOT. Most likely things won't ever be the same, but you shouldn't make them your enemy.

I would say that in this circumstance just leave them. In other circumstances, yeah talk about it. I mean. you still can talk about it, but most likely you will want to just exit scene...
If friends won't stand up for themselves, and will just stop being friends with you just because someone said to... it means they don't have your back.. and that's what besties do for eachother...

Hope this helps.
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by knot_maker
I really understand how it feels, I'm not sure if you should hang on to the other two, although I know it won't be easy. I think Polly is pretty selfish, I can't be sure about the other two though. I think you should try talking to all three of them about how you feel, and about finding new friends... I would say, to move on, first ignore them and look for better people, once you have other friends, you'll see how they are like and that you don't need them. But one thing, they must be doing this for a reason, so maybe try figuring out why they are doing it, and maybe that can help.
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by Hazel23
In 6th grade I was dumped by my best friends and they talked about me behind my back. ( and just saying one of them is now with my ex so it’s annoying) anyway they were being super mean to me and saying awful things about me. It’s really messed with my self esteem even tho it was a while ago and I’m over it. Just stick up for yourself. I get he thing about everyone having their own friends. It’s been a long time like a really long time and I’m still not in a friend group. I have one good friend that I can’t really hang with too much. And I have my boyfriend. He’s pretty much my best friend ever lol. Things will get better just give it time. I was also bullied at church and not very many of them like me they said awful things about me and my parents still force me to hang out with them and it really hurts how I see myself. Just keep your head high and don’t let them see how you feel. Because it will make you feel worse when they don’t care. Find someone to talk to like your parents or cousin or aunt or something. And drift they ask for you back..... girl don’t do it they are not real friends. Find someone worth your time! Also don’t ever let yourself believe you are messed up or anything that happened is your fault. Peer pressure is never ok ever. You did a really brave thing that a lot of people wouldn’t be able to do. You can always pm me to talk. I know I’m a stranger. But sometimes that’s what you need. ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by Hazel23
Also how are you in middle school your bio says 16
3 years, 10 months ago by Himani6204
I accidentally wrote my age wrong and I forgot to change it