All right all right, that’s what I’m talkin bout (finish the lyrics, satisfied)
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Firecorn
A toast to the groom, to the groom, to the groom, to the groom. To the bride, to the bride, to the bRiDe,From your Sister, who is always by your side, to your union, and the hope that u provide may you always, be satisfied ReWiNdEd, ReWiNdEd, helpless, schuyler, schuyler, schuyler, schuyler, drowning, drowning , I remember that night I might just ReWiNdEd I remember that night I might just ReWiNdEd |
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by pastel17
I remember that night I just might regret that night for the rest of my days I remember that dream night candle light like a dream that you can't quite place but Alexander I'll never forget the first time I saw your fAcE
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by pastel17
I have never been the same intelligent eyes and a hunger pang frame and when you sed hi I forgot my **** name