Where do get multi colored and sparkly string?
3 years, 11 months ago by Himani6204
Hi! 😊 I'm trying to find some string but I can't find one for a good price 😭! It would be really helpful if you tell me where you get your string 😊!

P.S It would be nice if you send me the link if it's online 😇!!!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Someone_
I tend to get mine in craft stores, if you have a store near you that do DMC chances are you will see their variegated threads too. DMC also have a 'sparkly' range, which is pretty decent when it comes to quality.

Also look out for crochet threads too because most brands of those have really good, fast changing variegated string as well as sparkly so the quality and quantity will be the best value for money. Again you should find them in any craft store near you. You should also be able to find them on places like Amazon and Etsy if you're looking online, usually you can get them for good prices! 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by crafter83
Amazon and Walmart.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by oceanknot
The one I use is Lion Brand Yarn Summer Nights (multicolor and sparkly) and loops and threads variegated pack. Here’s the link to both
https://www.michaels.com/variegated-embroidery-floss-loops-and-threads-36ct/10161137.html (They also sell this in craft cord, but I can’t recommend it because I’ve never tried it)