high school....
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by riley_fxX
so im going into hs next year. ik it’s going to be a VERY stressful 4 years, but does anyone have any advice on study habits, not procrastinating and also any advice on how balance stress, mean teachers, AP classes, group projects and building good relationships with your teachers and lastly how to have a good social life or the social aspect of high school. ik this was a lot of questions, but if u want to tackle them, it would help me a lot. Thank You 😊 ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Jdog12525
I’m a senior in high school so I got u. 1) it’s not as bad as you think. 2) Begin taking AP classes your junior year. They will be too hard for you if you take them your freshman and sophomore year. 3) You are going to make and loose a lot of friends. Don’t let your social life stress you out. 4) Get involved in a lot of things, like clubs and sports, to impress colleges. 5) To not procrastinate, finish your assignments one or more days BEFORE the due date. 6) Do not take more that 2 AP classes at a time so you are not stressing out. 7) Just be nice to your teachers and have a good work ethic if you want good relationships with them. 8) Group projects aren’t that bad. If someone is really slacking tell the teacher. 9) Do not eat the cafeteria food. 10) Get your drivers license as soon as you can. 10) Do not dress up to impress anyone (like your crush). The only validation you need is from yourself. That is all I have at the moment but if you have any questions or concerns, let me know or private message me 😊
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Jdog12525
And quizlet will be your best friend
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by riley_fxX
@Jdog12525 ok wow that was fast 😂. but very well explained. i don’t know abt that AP classes thing bc based on my plan i plan to take 7-9 AP classes, but what I’ve heard is that it matters abt the teachers and how...nice they are, is that true?
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by crafter83
Don’t push off studying to the last minute, it’s a lot less stressful if you get it done earlier in the day compared to the night before
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by kmmorell
so im going into hs next year. ik it’s going to be a VERY stressful 4 years, but does anyone have any advice on study habits, not procrastinating and also any advice on how balance stress, mean teachers, AP classes, group projects and building good relationships with your teachers and lastly how to have a good social life or the social aspect of high school. ik this was a lot of questions, but if u want to tackle them, it would help me a lot. Thank You 😊 ❤️

It will be stressful, but it doens't have to be like in those teen drama shows.
1. study habits - do the assignment when you get it, you don't want things to pile up, and if you get something that you weren't ready for you'll actually have time to do it instead of having to do the other assignment
2. balancing stress - always make sure you take some time for yourself and don't overwork yourself.
3. mean teachers - always try to just be nice and positive around teachers and most importantly, respectful. If you do fin yourself in a situation with a mean teacher, just be patient, keep your head down, do your work, don't be a problem, and they probably are just frustrated with the other 200 students they teach... after all... it is high school and some people are just jerks to teachers.
4. AP classes. Here's the thing... GPA is very important, but you don't have to take AP everything. Compared to when i took AP to On level... I learned a lot more in On level because they had to deeply explain it all. just my preference. But for AP classes, just make sure you pay attention. A lot of things they talk about will come up on quizzes and tests. The more you listen in class, the less you have to study and stuff.
5. Group Projects.... You don't want to have to do all the work... just take lead and just don't care if people call you bossy, just blow it off... because if they won't pull their weight, you gotta make sure you do. Some teachers will say that you are individually graded for your part of the assignment, but other teachers will say the whole grade is the whole project and you all will get the same grade. Just take lead and don't say "do this... do that" just say "can you start on this" it's far more encouraging and makes it seem smaller. Always try to pick your partners, and if you know your friends won't put in the effort and other people will, go with the people that will do the work... you don't want to sacrifice a project grade just for some convos.
6. building good relationships with your teachers- I have to say that you just need to turn in your work, ask a couple questions, get your work done on time, always be respective even if they are mean, make sure you won't be a problem and they will love you, because you are probably 10% out of 100% that deosn't give them a problem.
7. Social life - friends are important, but you will also figure out who the fakes are and it's going to be mind blowing how you thought someone was your friend but will turn on you. STAY OUT OF DRAMAAAA. please for the love of god... please... if you have a big high school like i do, just don't get involved in drama. it will always turn into something that will emotionally and mentally wreck you. Girls are ruthless in high school they typically don't physically hurt you, but their words cut deep. Just know everyone is insecure and trying to navigate the weird stage in their life.
8. Finding good friends - Just try to have good judgement, and you know when you know... good friends won't leave you, they won't talk behind their back, and they won't lie to you... when you know.. you know... you know? 😂
9. This you probably didn't ask for, but as for dealing with stress during high school.... just know nothing is to big that you can't accomplish or handle. It would surprise you how much teachers are willing to work with you if you are feeling overwhelmed. just get the work done when you get it... don't overthink things... prioritize, don't hold it off till 11:59 pm... just breathe, and take time for yourself so you can stay mentally stable.

Hope this helps, and please let me know if it does... I know when I went into high school it was super stressful, but you'll get the hang of things... ti teaches you a lot about how people behave and the types of people you wanna hang with and the ones you want to stay wary of...
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Jdog12525
To do well in an AP class depends on your study habits and the teacher. Generally teachers who teach Ap classes are good so learning the content won’t be hard. However, they are ALOT of work and you will be staying up until like 3am doing homework if you are taking a lot of AP classes at a time. The AP classes that are the most beneficial are the English class, more specifically AP language and AP literature. If you really want to take AP classes, take them in subjects centered around your career plans. For example, I want to possibly major in art history in college so I am taking AP art history at the moment (it’s a very interesting and fun class btw). If you find science and history to be very boring, do not take AP chemistry or AP American history for example because you won’t have motivation to do the work in the class bc it’s boring. I would suggest you cut down on you plan to take 7-9 class because that is a lot. Another think I should note is that in order to receive college credit through these classes, you have to take the AP test which costs $100 dollars per test. If you take 9 AP classes throughout your high school years, that is going to add up to $900. However, these tests are COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. I didn’t take the AP test for AP language however I am taking one this year for AP art history. This was a lot of information but I hope this all makes sense. Let me know if you have any more questions. I want you to be as prepared as you can going into high school 😁
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by riley_fxX
@Jdog12525 whoa $900 for the tests is ALOT. im still unsure abt what I want my career to be in, like i have literally no idea what i wanna do 😂. a lot of ppl said, take ap electives bc they aren’t as hard as ur core classes....but my school doesn’t even offer that many ap classes, freshman have the choice of only 1 ap class, and colleges im pretty sure like AP......idk I’ll probably figure this out thru hs but thanks for your help 😊
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by riley_fxX
@kmmorell that was a lot to take in but it’s was very helpful. ive been focusing on the school part of school, and the social part has been at the back of my mind. friends are very very important, in middle school i was with a few group of ppl and they weren’t rly my type of ppl if u know what i mean, i had nice individual friends but, i rly wanted a great group.....do u have advice on how i can meet people or just get into a group?
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by kmmorell
@riley_fxX middle school is weird, and high school is just complicated.... anyways. I found out my middle school friends were a bunch of snakes, so i ditched them and just found a new friend and became a part of their friend group.

I know "just start talking to people" is so cliche and it sounds annoying probably. but it's true. just put yourself out there, and you'll make a lot of friends and lose a lot of friends. Usually you only have 2-3 really good friends while you keep friends for a year or so, and then you'll fade off. Usually if you make a friend their friends will just gradually be introduced and typically they are really nice.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by kmmorell
@riley_fxX AP classes you can def. take and everyone has a different preference. However, i would just take 1 AP class when you start. And if you have the option, move to dual credit, you'll get college credits and it counts as 5.0 and it's so much easier. Unless you are really interested in your subjects like World History AP because those can be interesting. But don't take it out of sheer GPA, do what you are comfortable with and think you can handle. I personally think dual credit is the way to go. The way my years are planned out it means i graduate HS at 17 years old and i'll already have my associates degree (worth 2 years) and i'll get my masters by 21 years old.

I know a lot of my "friends" are taking AP/IB and AP classes and that's totally fine because they want to have a great GPA... but i feel like dual credit is less work. Like it's still brain stimulating and there's work... but it cuts out a lot of what you would call the "busy work" and just gets to the point. Idk.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by riley_fxX
@kmmorrell makes sense, anyways thank you for the help 😊 ❤️ ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by riley_fxX
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by isnoe2305
be yourself 💖
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by riley_fxX
@isnoe2305 yes I’ll try my best 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by isnoe2305
@riley_fxX I can't give much advice because I don't study in North America and being myself has always worked for me. Enjoy the process and I think there is nothing to have if you act on your beliefs.
3 years, 11 months ago by vertlyra
dual credit is your best friend. ap is expensive and if you don't pass the test u don't get the credit. in dual credit you do and it's not as hard !!!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by riley_fxX
@vertlyra but i did hear it lowers you gpa though
3 years, 11 months ago by vertlyra
@riley_fxX not really, i actually took some ap some dual credit and it's weighed the same at my school. i'm actually rank 11 so it didn't affect my gpa that much. what really affects it is 4 point classes ex. electives, on level. but honestly, do what you can i dropped out of some ap classes into regular and if you maintain a high grade, 90 or above, it will affect your gpa butt not as much as getting a 85 or below
3 years, 11 months ago by vertlyra
it didn't affect my unweighted gpa but it did affect my weighted